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Topic 4: More and more teenagers commit crimes.

Family must take the

major responsibility for this problem.

To what extent do you support or reject this opinion?

It is sometimes said that the family is the major reason why several adolescents
commit an offence so they must assume the main obligation for this hurdle.
Personally, I completely disagree with this idea.

First of all, everyone knows when they are engaging in criminal activities because
any person of sound mind is a rational being. Therefore, it has nothing to do with
their families. Unless the parents encourage the children to break the law or also
take part in the crime; then and only then parents must be held responsible for their
children’s acts. Moreover, if someone’s child takes part in unlawful acts, the
person should be blamed for it is that teenager, not their parents. For instance, a
child can still steal a pretty piece of jewelry from a friend even if they were
taught as a child not to steal. This has nothing to do with the family, only the
child, or teen, committing the crime.

Second of all, families are not guilty. For example, according to the law in
force, underage drinking drug usage, the adults should never be held the
responsibility for the child’s act. If a kid gets in trouble, it’s easy to blame
the parents, attribute the mishap to how they were raised, the kind of family
they were born to. But that is what is wrong with our community, no one
takes responsibility for their own actions, especially if they’re minors. It’s a
major problem. As a result, only the adolescents should get penalized for
committing and crime.

In conclusion, when the youth crimes break the law or pose a serious threat to
society, their parents and family should never be accepted the responsibility
unless they also assist in the crime.

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