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Complete the examples from the text on page 10. Then complete the rules inthe box. oa 4 Its... now but I'm looking at the thermometer outside and it says 2 |... how to play a popular local sport called kyyly It... alot of energy. Ie ea We use the present '58To talk about what normally happens, rautines and fat. We use the ise ‘present. to talk about what is happening now or around now. Sines Sigil 3 Thefempefature....rises above freezing. harS\y ever : 4 It... falls as low as -60 °C. sometienes > 5 5 People are... happy to have a heatwave after ten ppohths of winter, us. vally ‘We use adverbs and expressions of frequency to explain how often we do things. We use them wit the’. Adverbs of frequency go befgre the verb but after the verb be. as Present simple . © Grammar reference * page 99 ter? QED complete the text with the correct form of Add expressions of frequency to make the present simple or the present continuous: Use the sentences that are true for you. verbs in brackets. Then listen and check. It very cold in my town, ft’ ueually ver Meg is in Siberia for a year at the university in’fakutsk and cold in my town. life is very different. In the UK, she usvally fincas: 3 drive) to university li Yakutsk, she'@esiedte) the bus eae gaa oo Oaeres \xte every day. She “#"*8fiy) Russian ing ice wy a op er A en ple in Ue tobe a,ranslator She's got exams this week so Weems: Wael Samet epcing Sheds ES eal hard tes, gh oe now Nin’ tte38) a book in Russién. in "HP ff iy Y she t."tha%e) , because she épes(go) to the university Y. ¢ ere ve Se eee international Club twje@ a week. They dep foroanse) acthitiesrd she mects. cae’, gaa 1 Tell your partner about your daily routine. lots of focal students there. ‘i's ’ 2. Imagine you're staying in Yakutsk for a great fun. The people are really nice, month, Tell your partner about how yout and I'm, (learn) a lot of Ri life is different | usually get up at about 7.30. Then I have breakfast)... Now I'm living in Yakutsk, | get up later TN) Dacwedy ged vg oh ciost 6100. Te Bacerast, Teen Ditele a. stomer te fa etep Te slusy iio. 5 Learn about someone living in a cold country. ee aca ea ket ee nd Mure usa ]Ifere l(a Pron) SS Baur Rng YT smetinas W Yokotst Luotingep ak det %Don. Thew break feat dt chit Sos0m. ap

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