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1/7/2022 中科院合格供应商认证及管理会

We learned a great deal about the processes for becoming a supplier

and working with 中科. The workshop was interesting and engaging. The

most important thing we learned was about the way the supply chain

works in the aerospace industry.

An important contact that we met was 何晓雯小姐,the accounts

manager for 经济部台美产业合作推动办公室(TUSA). Last year,

TUSA held an electric vehicle activity, inviting American companies to

consider Taiwan for manufacturing electric car parts.

Follow up plan:

1. Get In contact with TUSA, find out how we can work together, and

when the next big activity is for American companies in Taiwan

2. Make arrangements to enhance a relationship with TAIA, contact

龚美旭先生,find out about fees, activities, benefits

3. Contact 中科院的苏篠兵小姐,中科院采购组长。

4. Give SOLIDCAM TW contact to SKY for consideration.

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