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Diversité et inclusion

Espace privé, espace public

Clothes & Us

How do clothes affect our behaviour in public and in private?

I/ Quote Debate

Support : “Clothes are nothing until we wear them” by Marc Jacobs, designer

• I agree : Clothes are meaningless until we wear them. They can reflect our personality, our style
and our way of living.
• I disagree : We try to have a normal style to conform into our society, but are we really what we
wear? Without social oppression, we can be very different.

II/ Clothes play on our mind

Support: Enclothed Cognition,

Mental agility : experiences showed that a person will make less mistakes while wearing a lab suit =
Influence on our spirit and answers.

III/ Dress codes

Support : English Sparks p 60,61

⁃ In many English speaking countries, it’s common place for students to wear school uniforms ->
to reduce bullying and hide the differences.
⁃ Strategy to reduce gun violence -> prevent gang members for wearing their Colors or symbols.
⁃ Dress code at work + and + common -> some people refuse to comply ( ex: women with the
hijab )

Steve jobs is known for wearing the same clothes all the time ( unusual for a COR leader ) -> way to
feel safe and avoid decision fatigue

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