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The streets of Jongno were packed with people who

wanted to witness the ignition of the street lights. A
different, quieter scene was seen at Hwawollu, an
expensive Japanese-styled restaurant set up on the side
of the major road. That night, geisha dressed in colorful
kimonos greeted guests with their sweet smiles. Logan
entered the tatami room on the 2 nd floor, escorted by
the Japanese ronin. Inside the room, Joseon's Foreign
Minister, Lee Se Hoon was waiting for him.

Logan and Se Hoon had a party by drinking liquor all

night. They exchanged ambitious glances while hugging
the geisha on either side of them.
“American technology has lit up Joseon. Joseon
should thank America!”
"What else should I say? Well, let's make a toast for

1|Mr. Sunshine (Book 1)

Logan spoke in Japanese, to which Se Hoon replied
in Japanese as well as he offered a drink. The red meat
they grilled whiffed a stiflingly thick smoke. Logan
coughed as he ate.
"Probably because of the smoke."
A geisha sitting beside Logan swiftly stood up and
opened the window made of bamboo. From the opened
window, they could hear the sound of the generator
operating in the distance so that the lights would be
able to ignite. Logan smiled with satisfaction as he
raised his glass.
“For the birth of a modern nation! For the primitive
Dor! Dor!
Along with a loud popping sound, a bullet from
outside the window lodged in Logan's chest.
“Another… weapon?”
Thought the masked man on the roof of the
building opposite Hwawollu as he quickly cocked his

2|Mr. Sunshine (Book 1)

rifle back. There was only one bullet lodged in Logan's
heart, but the explosion could be heard twice.
The Hwawollu ronin guards came out into the
courtyard and fired guns at the direction of the bullets.
People screamed in surprise because of the gunfight.
One of the bullets fired by the ronin flew past the man's
side. The tile he stepped on shattered with a loud
The man ducked and pointed his rifle at the ronin.
Suddenly, a bullet shot from behind him and lodged in
the chest of the ronin that the man was aiming at. The
bullets that exploded next tore down the ronin
So, the other rifle that was aiming at Logan was
assisting the man. An unexpected help.
"How clever."
The man turned around. The shooter who helped
him escaped in the opposite direction. The man also
began to jump over the roof in the opposite direction to
escape. He jumped from roof to roof and ran fast over

3|Mr. Sunshine (Book 1)

the walls. The ronin split up to chase the man and the
Logan was an American, but he sold Joseon and
America’s informations to the Japanese for his own
profit. His actions were despicable, but, in fact, Joseon
was also a strategic point that would determine
America's position in the Pacific Ocean to deal with
China. Therefore, the higher-ups couldn't just get rid of
Logan. The man who had just returned after winning the
battle with Spain was ordered by the White House to go
to Joseon and killed Logan, by bringing "sweet
sentences and whips".
"If he succeeds, it means he is an American. But if
he fails, it means he is from Joseon. That is the reason
behind the order this time.”
The man's name was Eugene Choi. Captain of the
United States Pacific Command Marine Corps. He was
born in Joseon, but had long migrated to America.
Luckily his shooting mission in Joseon was successful so
he could continue to be an American.

4|Mr. Sunshine (Book 1)

With his fedora on, Eugene arrived at the main
street outside the alley of the Hwawollu building after
successfully avoiding the ronin. One of the pedestrians
who were waiting for the light to ignite was looking
around while whispering.
"Did you hear the sound just now? It sounded like a
"Gunshot? Not the sound of the generator?”
Eugene stepped among the passerby without
hesitation. His steps slowed as he looked around. His
black eyes were fixed on a girl wearing a beautiful
hanbok. Her graceful face was covered by a silky jangot1
that gleamed silver. The distance between him and the
girl was getting closer, step by step. They finally passed
each other. After a few steps, Eugene stopped and
turned around. Something was holding him back.
"The smell of gunpowder."
"That man."

long dress worn by ancient Korean women as a head cover.

5|Mr. Sunshine (Book 1)

It wasn't just Eugene who was transfixed. The
woman also stopped in her tracks and slowly turned her
Their gazes clashed among the passersby. Darkness
blocked the sight of both of them. Suddenly, a beam of
light split between the two. The street lamps lit up and
illuminated the streets. The crowd began to cheer up.
Everything became bright and clear. In the crowd, the
two of them looked at each other.
“That person… is a girl?”
Eugene remembered the shooter who helped him
on the roof a moment ago. Their small and agile posture
was very similar to the woman in front of him. Eugene
couldn't help but stared at her.
“There are dead people! A foreigner!"
Suddenly a scream was heard. The streets became
noisy and people started moving in crowds. The ronin
went down the streets and forcibly rummaged people.
They targeted the men who were roughly carrying rifles.
Eugene returned his gaze to the woman.

6|Mr. Sunshine (Book 1)

However, the girl moved quickly and disappeared
into the crowd. Very fast. Eugene immediately chased
after the shadow of that beautiful cloth.
The woman slowed her pace when she reached a
quiet place. Pedestrians were seen passing between the
buildings, but no one was seen chasing them. As the
woman breathed a sigh of relief, a low voice came from
behind her.
"If you're looking for me, I'm right here."
She didn't feel his presence. The woman bit her lip
to calm herself. Eugene stepped lightly from behind the
alley. The girl looked at Eugene sharply and answered.
"I wasn't looking for you."
Her way of speaking was classy with her elegant
appearance. Eugene was getting more and more
interested in hearing the answer. The woman was
clearly confused, but she didn't show it at all.
"You're looking for me."
"You are wrong."
"Where are you going?"

7|Mr. Sunshine (Book 1)

"None of your business."
"I thought I was going there. Ronin is everywhere
and we both seem to know something."
Eugene's soft and low voice contained an unusual
"Did I get caught?" The woman stared blankly.
Wait, if that guy says "you're welcome" it means he's
not the only one who got caught. She looked at Eugene
"Is he an ally?"
One target, two snipers. He helped the man in ha.
his gain for pointing a gun at the same target as him.
However, she could not confirm whether the man was
her friend or foe. The woman deftly lowered the beard
that covered her head to her shoulders. His face looked
instantly. Her tiny nostrils and thin pink lips stuck in
Eugene's eyes. His eyes that were looking at Eugene
glowed intensely. The woman laughed snortly as
Eugene studied his face.

8|Mr. Sunshine (Book 1)

"You seem to have the wrong person. But since you
are a foreigner, I will forgive you.”
Foreigners. Eugene's brow furrowed at the words
he often heard in America. He only wore Western
clothes, but his stature was no different from those of
passers-by. Therefore, he did not understand why she
could conclude that.
"Your clothes are different. Your way of speaking is
formal, but not polite. And of course, you don't
recognize me either. You certainly don't know who I
The woman's words were full of dignity.
"A Joseon man couldn't have dared to stand in the
way of me in the middle of the street like this."
What did he miss? Eugene didn't understand at all
and was about to ask back when suddenly a drugstore
owner and his servant who was passing by came up to
them. They saluted reverently to the woman who
looked very young as if she were dealing with an old

9|Mr. Sunshine (Book 1)

"Ouch, Miss!"
"How are you, Miss? What's going on at these
nights? Where's your servant?"
As if to strengthen the girl's words, they were so
awkward to meet the woman on the side of the road.
He looked at Eugene as if to say “listen”.
"They're working on something. We'll meet at the
Two people came closer carrying several packages.
Aunt Haman and Uncle Haengrang. As soon as he
recognized the drugstore owner and his maid, Uncle
Haengrang asked frantically.
“Why are you standing here? Did something
happen here too? There's a lot of excitement up there
up there."
“You know that Japanese-owned bar on the hill,
right. There was a Westerner dead there and now the
crowds want to see it more than a fire show."
The drugstore owner and his maid were surprised
to hear Aunt Haman's words.

10 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
“Well, looks like we have to hurry. The sky is also
cloudy and the streets are noisy too."
The woman tried to leave the place in a hurry as if
she had just heard the news. Eugene just watched his
behavior. There's no use holding it in. The woman said
to the drugstore maid while pointing at Eugene.
“This man is lost. Help him."
"Okay, Miss. Goodbye."
The drugstore maid greeted with a nod, while the
girl again covered her head with the hood.
"Where are you going, sir?"
“Where is the American Embassy? Can you show
me where to go?”
Eugene who a moment ago spoke to the girl in
Joseon is now speaking in English. The waiter put on a
confused face because of the same sekah ti. I don't
understand the foreign language. Eugene's eyes were
only fixed on the figure of a woman already in the

11 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
The woman who fired the rifle and looked him in
the eye sternly.
“Has Joseon changed? Or is it just that girl special?”
Eugene looks around thoughtfully. His eyes were as
flat as when he saw Joseon as an operation area on the
map. The streetlighted streets of Joseon have changed a
lot, but they are no different either. Just that. Eugene's
interest in Joseon is nothing special
Eugene's expression that had changed while looking
at the girl's back slowly hardened again. After cutting his
own pigtail by his mother, for Eugene who survives in
the foreign land of America, Joseon has no other
meaning than his birthplace. His father and mother died
there, as did his nine-year-old self.
In this Joseon land.
The steep mountain and the pile of wood on the
back felt heavy. Eugene was almost 9 years old when he
carried a basket of firewood which was many times his
height. Nonetheless, he couldn't avoid the bloodline

12 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
that was passed down to him. He walked steadily down
the steep foothills then suddenly looked up at the sky.
His brows furrowed automatically as his eyes were
dazzled by the light. However, he continued to stare at
the sky as long as he could. A man who was sitting
resting on a rock looked at him in silence. Uncle
Haengrang who was resting beside him asked Eugene
what he was looking at.
"Sky, sir." The man lifted his head and looked up at
the sky.
A crow flies over the blue sky while squawking.
"What for?"
When Uncle Haengrang asked clueless, Eugene
answered while looking at him.
"Because it turns out that a black bird can also
damage the sky"
The man's gaze deepened. The boy's appearance
did look like that of a slave, but it didn't seem like an
ordinary slave.
"What family are you from?"

13 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
"Why do you ask sir?"
“You should be staring at the ground. The sky is too
far away. If a slave looks too far, his life will be short.”
That man was Go Sa Hong, a man of wide
knowledge and known for his honesty. Eugene didn't
avoid Sa Hong's gaze and looked back at him. Sa Hong's
words were the truth, because that was Eugene's
Bitterness filled little Eugene's lips. "I know that
too." After bowing his head in greeting to Sa Hong,
Eugene returns down the mountain carrying a log.
Descending from the mountain, Eugene pushed
open the gate and entered his master's courtyard. The
owner of the palace-like mansion is Minister Kim. In the
vast grounds, dozens of servants stood terrified like
sinners. Eugene who was able to read something
lowered the basket and looked around with a tense
“What dream did I have last night to be this lucky. A
slave dared to try to escape? And it's you! Yes, you

14 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
guys!” Minister Kim rebukes while laughing from the
A while ago, he had just lavishly entertained Lee Se
Hoon and drank with him. He never stopped praising his
guests who had important positions in the palace. Just
at that moment, a female slave serving them caught Lee
Se Hoon's attention. Minister Kim, who catches his
interest, promises to send the slave to his home. The
woman was already married, and her loyalty couldn't be
compared to the position that Lee Se Hoon was offering.
The one who kneeled with her husband before
Minister Kim was the slave girl that Lee Se Hoon
"Father... I, Mother..."
The two of them were Eugene's parents. People's
gazes turned to Eugene who was bursting through the
servants shouting. The maids put on a pitiful face.
Eugene's father, knowing that Minister Kim will hand
over his wife to Lee Se Hoon, plans to run away, but

15 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
Minister Kim finds out already. Slaves caught trying to
escape usually ended in tragedy.
Eugene's father's shabby clothes were tattered
from the whippings of the goons. His face was bruised
and covered with dried blood. The items to be taken
away scattered on the ground beside Eugene's mother.
Eugene who a while ago looked up at the sky, is now
looking at the ground. Minister Kim shouted while
raising and lowering his eyes when he saw Eugene.
"That kid can't possibly not know, drag him here!"
Eugene's shocked mother screams that her son
knows nothing, but it's no use. At Minister Kim's orders,
the goons drag Eugene and throw him to the ground.
“Parents' sins are children's sins too. You see and
bear in mind the consequences if a slave disobeys the
Minister Kim orders to hit Eugene's father again and
the goons roll up Eugene's almost unconscious father
with a mat. A creaking sound was heard not from the
mat, but from the body of Eugene's father being

16 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
trampled by the goons. Instead of Eugene's father
holding back from screaming, Eugene's mother wails
even more at the sight. The voices echoing in the
courtyard were like a nightmare to Eugene.
Eugene runs over and hugs Minister Kim's son's legs
who are standing at the end.
"Young master. Please save my father, Young
Master. He will die if he is not helped."
Ahn Pyeong who was pale from the bloody event
pushed Eugene coldly. He didn't want to get involved
just to save a slave because his father could also punish
him if he disobeyed. Looking at the bloodstained mat,
Minister Kim said without blinking.
"Kill him. My assets may decrease, but this will be a
lesson to the other slaves. So it's not a loss."
Someone's death. That will only benefit Minister
Kim because apart from being a warning to the slaves
who intend to run away, the female slave he will hand
over to Lee Se Hoon will also not have a husband

17 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
Anger welled up inside little Eugene's chest. He
picked up the stick from the ground and ran towards
Minister Kim,
His mother tried to stop him by shouting his name.
But before Kugrne got in front of Minister Kim, his
goons had already caught him and threw him on the
ground, Eugene's small body was knocked down
helplessly. The marks that had previously been aimed at
Eugene's father now turned to him,
Eugene's mother's heart tore at the sight. Her
husband died and she had to save her child. His eyes
were filled with hatred.
He runs to embrace Ho Seon who is Ahn Pyeong's
wife. On Ho Seon's head, there is a jade hairpin that is
neatly stuck. Eugene's mother plucks it out and hits it
against a rock. The broken end of the hairpin became
sharp as a knife. Eugene's mother pointed it at Ho
Seon's neck.
It happened so fast. Ho Seon gasped in fright feeling
a sharp sensation on his neck. Ahn Pyeong is shocked to

18 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
fall behind Minister Kim is also surprised and sends his
messenger, but he can't stop it. Eugene's mother
snuggles closer to Ho Seon's neck while screaming as
the goons move.
"Do not move. If you move, he will die!”
As if to prove her point, Eugene's mother pressed
Ho Seon's neck with the hairpin she was holding.
Blood flowed from Ho Seon's neck. Eugene's
mother screams again, brandishing a hairpin.
“Master protects Master's descendants. I protect
my son, Ho Seon is pregnant with the successor to
Minister Kim's family, Minister Kim, who had cruelly
ordered people to kill, is now not doing anything for the
safety of his grandson.
Eugene's mother didn't waste the opportunity. He
pulls the norigae from Ho Seon's dress and throws it at
“That's worth 3 sacks of rice. Don't sell below that.
Run fast. Eugene's mother just wants Eugene to be safe.

19 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
"Do not come back again. Go! fast!" "Mother...!" His
mother's frantic words pierced Eugene's heart. Minister
Kim gets angry and directs his errand boy to Eugene.
When the goons tried to approach Eugene, Eugene's
mother's hand holding a hairpin moved to Ho Seon's
stomach. Ahn Pyeong who was afraid of losing his wife
and child pushed Eugene trembling. He intends to dispel
Eugene before a bigger disaster strikes. Eugene couldn't
move his legs and just stood still. Eugene's mother's
eyes turn red seeing her. His son would be able to
survive without him. The child who should have lived in
his arms longer. Tears dripped from Eugene's dilated
eyes and his mother's eyes that he stared into.
"Go. You must live so that our deaths are not in
vain. Go as far as you can, Eugene.”
Eugene picks up the pink norigae that his mother
threw and runs towards the gate.
The enraged Minister Kim took out a bow. If he
could not catch it, then he would immediately kill him
with an arrow. However, the arrow misses Eugene.

20 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
Within a day, he had lost his parents and was being
chased by slave hunters. Eugene runs and keeps
running. He crossed mountains, rivers, and fields. There
was nowhere to comfortably hide the small body.
After running day and night, Eugene arrives at a kiln
located in the mountain. He went into the kitchen and
devoured the food he found because he could no longer
hold back his rumbling stomach. His eyes watched while
his hands took the food. Maybe because he hasn't eaten
for a long time, he doesn't feel full yet.
"Are you hooked?"
Eugene suddenly turned his head at the question
from behind him. Eun San is the owner of the kiln. He
came out because he thought there was a thief in the
kitchen. However, all he met while sucking on a pipe
was a hungry child.
“You could choke if you eat greedily like that. The
well over there."
Eun San left while chuckling towards the kiln to light
a fire.

21 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
Eugene complies with Eun San and sits down to
finish the food in the kitchen. After his stomach was full,
then he noticed the kiln and Eun San who was standing
guard in front of the stove. Eun San is the best ceramic
maker in Joseon. In contrast to her stiff face, her
handcrafted ceramics were extremely delicate and
beautiful. Many people lined up to get the ceramics, be
it Joseon, Chinese, or Japanese.
3 combustion chambers for processing clay into
brick terabicax, etc.
Eugene stepped in front of Eun San from holding
out the norigae.
“This should be worth 3 sacks of rice, but I sold it
for 2 sacks. The rest is half price."
"Why would I buy something like that? Should I
wear it?"
“You can resell it and make a profit”
“Just look at your appearance, you must be
between a runaway slave or a child who was abandoned
by his parents. Where did you steal this thing from?”

22 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
"I didn't steal it"
Eugene's hand gripped the norigae tighter. "This is
worth my mother's life.
"That's enough. Go away."
Eun San who had been silent for a moment waved
his hand. If a child runs away with a hungry stomach to
the middle of the mountain, it can be estimated that the
problem is very complicated. Eun San doesn't want to
get involved. He shooed Eugene away, but Eugene
remained unmoved and said.
“Then give me two sacks and let me stay for the
He only wished he could lay down for a moment his
tired body from avoiding the slave hunters.
Eugene insisted. He had no place to return to or
escape from. His mother's words that asked him to stay
alive stuck in his chest. Even if he didn't want to, he had
to stay alive. So that the death of his parents was not in
"I am very tired"

23 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
Eugene's words left Eun San dumbfounded. The boy
was exhausted unlike other children his age. As Eun San
was looking at Eugene, a man with blonde hair and
brown hair. blue eyes go into the kiln.
Joseph was an American who came to Joseon for
missionary purposes.
Seeing Joseph, Eugene stepped back. His surprise
was perhaps even greater when he saw the slave
hunters coming to capture him. It was the first time in
his life that he had seen someone like Joseph. A figure
unfamiliar and more like a monster to Eugene.
“The American ship has arrived. I have money now.
Sell the pottery to me.”
While Eugene is still pensive, Joseph bully Eun San
into selling the urn. He planned to use the urn as an
excuse to return to his country.
He had prepared everything to spread Catholic
teachings in Joseon, but it didn't go well. That's because
the notion of "not making friends with foreigners" and
the policy of seclusion from the Joseon leaders are still

24 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
firmly ingrained to protect Joseon. He could die at any
moment like the priests from France.
The American army ship has reached the waters of
Joseon. A golden opportunity for Joseph to return to
America. He is sure that he can seduce the captain of
the ship with Eun San's ceramics so that he is allowed to
board the ship.
Eugene watched Joseph and Eun San's chatter with
wide eyes. Joseph clearly spoke the same Joseon
language as himself, although it sounded more rigid.
"Alright, go home. Go. You too.” Eun San shook her
head coldly and chased both Joseph and Eugene away.
Eugene swiftly moved.
"Where is America?"
He gripped Joseph's sleeve tightly. As long as he can
escape, anywhere is fine. The important thing is that he
is still alive. Joseph looked at Eugene with confused
eyes. The little boy looked shabby and helpless.
However, his eyes were filled with enthusiasm. Joseph
opened his mouth slowly.

25 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
America uses a different language and power than
Joseon. An explosion was heard in the distance. A flock
of black birds flashed across the sky above the kiln.

The cannon fired by the American army ship,

demanding the opening of the Joseon gates to
Gwangseong Fortress, shook the ground. A fierce battle
started from that place. One cannon fire started the
collapse of the fortress that had been built for a long
time in an instant. Joseon navy corpses strewn. Their
strengths were too vastly different that it was hard to
say that it was a balanced battle. However, the Joseon
warriors continued to fight in this battle.

Despite being repulsed, the Joseon soldiers

continue to fight to the last drop of blood. The situation
already indicated that they would lose, but not a single

26 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
soldier ran away from the battlefield. They didn't take a
step back from the invaders brandishing weapons at the
gates of Joseon.

The fort collapsed and the American soldiers who

had landed fired at the Joseon soldiers. The bullets
easily penetrated the clothes of the Joseon soldiers and
lodged in their bodies. However, they continued to rise
and stand. Their spears and swords were too fragile to
fight rifles. Until the end, those who did not have rifles
and spears anymore continued to fight with dirt and
stones. The few Joseon troops left continue to fight the
American soldiers and fall. The battle was fierce. The
rain mixed with the blood of Joseon soldiers soaked the
Joseon land. The American flag hangs over Gwangseong
Fort in the rain. A total of 243 Joseon people lost their
lives fighting American army ships.

Twenty Joseon people who fought to the end and

were still alive became captives. In fact, what America

27 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
wants is diplomatic relations. But according to the
person sitting on the throne, it is tantamount to selling
the country.

“Those who are held captive are cowards who are

still alive and failed to complete their task. The Joseon
Kingdom doesn't need them anymore so say that they
don't need to come back”

The people of Joseon want to protect Joseon, but

Joseon cannot protect its people. Pathetic. The valley of
the hill became a graveyard. The death of those buried
there was a silent death. A life that stretches for the
sake of those who stay alive in this land. Death banished
by the state.

That night, the slave hunters chasing Eugene had

arrived at the kiln. Eun San has just returned from under
the mountain to pray for his brothers who died horribly
at the hands of the invaders. The slave hunters claim to

28 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
be looking for a runaway little slave, namely Eugene.
With the pipe in his hand, Eun San chased the slave
hunters fiercely away. Eun San looked around the kiln. A
piece of cloth poked out of the wooden ceramic storage
crate. It was Eugene. He was huddled hiding in the
coffin with cold sweat pouring down.

After feeling that the slave hunters had left, Eugene

came out of the chest with a pale face.

"Didn't I kick you out?"

Eun San rebukes Eugene. Eugene's small body was

shaking with fright. However, he wanted to live even
more. Being pushed back like that made something
rumble inside Eugene's chest. As his body was huddled
in a coffin, a sadness also welled up in the corner of his
heart. It was too much of a day for a tough 9 year old
like Eugene though.

29 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
“My father was whipped to death and my mother
threw herself into a well. As Master can see, I am being
sought by slave hunters. I will be beaten to death if
caught. If not, I will starve to death. There is no place for
me to live in this country. I beg you, save me.”

Words spilled from Eugene's mouth. The tears she

had been holding back since entering Minister Kim's
gates began to well up from her eyes.

Eun San who was acting cold was just as sad and
angry. It wasn't just Eugene who had no place in all of
Joseon. The people of Joseon are losing their homes.
Eun San took a deep breath. Suddenly, the desperate
Joseph returned to the kiln.

The Americans had won and the ship was planning

to return home to announce the victory.

30 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
Eun San's eyes scanned Eugene's filthy body. He
then said to Joseph firmly, "I will give you the pottery,
Bring this child" "What do you mean?" "For the lives of
the Joseon people you killed, take this child to your
hometown. To America or wherever that is."

The kiln is definitely not a place for Eugene to live

because Once upon a time slave hunters could

“Welcome back, Sir! Do you need your key?”

Gwi Dan's cheerful voice was heard welcoming a
guest who had just entered the hotel. Ae Shin turned
her head and her eyes met with Eugene who just

31 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
entered expressionlessly. Ae Shin suddenly rose from
her seat.
"I have to go. There's a call from the American
She made an excuse to be able to go and chat with
Eugene again at the same time.
"Why the American Embassy?"
"Have a good drink."
Ae Shin gave a casual greeting and hurried over to
"I heard you were looking for me again. Let's go.
Please go ahead."
Ae Shin was sure that Eugene would help her since
they had lied to people together and walked away to
avoid something. As per Ae Shin's expectations, Eugene
turned around without saying anything.
Two people who were difficult to guess how they
got to know each other. However, Hee Seong knew that
Ae Shin was happy to see Eugene because she could

32 | M r . S u n s h i n e ( B o o k 1 )
leave that place. A payback for him who had run away
to Tokyo for 10 years.
Eugene continued to walk ahead of Ae Shin
aimlessly. Ae Shin followed behind while watching
Eugene's reflection reflecting on the glass wall of the
shops. She remembered the sad face of Eugene she saw
on the canoe as the red sky stretched between the sky
and over the river. The sadness she always saw made
her curious. Did she just happen to see it or had Eugene
always been like that? Ae Shin continued to follow
Eugene while thinking about how she could never
understand what’s inside the heart of this American
"How long do I have to walk first?"
Ae Shin only realized after Eugene asked without
looking back.
"Ah, to the left."
At the end of the road there is a large wall. The
solid wall that surrounds Hanseong was a silent witness
to Hanseong's change. Eugene stood in front of the wall

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in bewilderment. He didn't expect it, and was a little
annoyed at the same time.
“There is no man in the land of Hanseong who can
hold you back for long. But if you sit across from each
other drinking coffee, you two must be close.
Eugene's annoyance intensified when he
remembered Hee Seong's smooth face.
"A Friend."
"You're friends with a man?"
"I'm considering it. With him, I can only be friends."
Eugene is getting more and more irritated hearing
the word ‘friend’. He raised an eyebrow. What is Ae
Shin's relationship with that person? Just as Hee Seong
couldn't guess the relationship between Eugene and Ae
Shin, Eugene also had a hard time predicting the
relationship between Hee Seong and Ae Shin.
Eugene was also in no position to ask Ae Shin
directly. Whether she realized his silent annoyance and

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curiousity or not, Ae Shin just pointed at the nameplate
on Eugene's chest.
"I know the letter. I took the course. E... then..."
It seemed that the English she had just started
learning was still far away. Ae Shin frowned and tried
hard to read Eugene's name. As if forgetting the feeling
of annoyance that had overtaken him earlier, Eugene
looked at the grumbling Ae Shin.
"Your name is in the alphabet on the back. I only
studied until the letter F."
Eugene smiled at Ae Shin's honest confession. It
made Ae Shin offended.
"But that doesn't mean I don't know English at all....
Where are you from?"
Ae Shin asked haltingly. "Where are you from?" This
question made Eugene return back to his days to
America. The words he had heard all his life there yet
could never answer. At first, it was because he hated
the Joseon he had left behind. But then, because he
continued to live in America. Even though Eugene kept

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being at that place, people would still ask where did he
come from all the time.
“Why is everyone keep asking that, anyway? When
you're done using me, may I go?"
"Oh, I'm sorry!"
Ae Shin immediately apologized seeing Eugene
looked so upset. This time, it was Eugene who helped
him and she was indebted. The apology really irritated
Eugene so he glared at Ae Shin.
"If you're apologizing like that, it means you did use
“This is the reward for allowing you to board the
canoe that time…”
"No, I have no intention of paying for it. So today,
you owe me one."
Eugene replied coldly then started to descend
following the wall with wide steps. When he
disappeared from Ae Shin's sight, Eugene slowed down.
He walked towards the hotel, but his feelings weren't
clear where he was going.

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He didn't feel like himself... got annoyed, then has
Ae Shin bound to him through a debt of gratitude.
Eugene rubbed his chest gently. Ahn Pyeong and his
wife who lived to fill their own stomaches, so that their
descendants who might live like kings. He thought that
only sadness and anger could be felt towards Joseon.
However, a figure and a feeling that did not fit that
place emerged right in front of his eyes. Eugene turned
around for a moment. The wall was too far away and
the streets were so crowded. Eugene walked back
towards the hotel.

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