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Master of Arts in Teaching Foreign Languages: Personal Statement

My previous teaching experiences in a range of local school districts have equipped me to be

a successful teacher. However, I found myself continuously searching for ways to better my

teaching abilities and find new ways to keep my pupils engaged. I didn't feel as if I had

finished my education. As soon as I realized this, I started looking into programs to get a

master's degree.

MSU's Master of Foreign Language Teaching (MAFLT) Program is a blessing in disguise.

None of my other options for pursuing an advanced degree in teaching were as content

specialized as this one. I am convinced that I made the proper choice in selecting a school

after completing the program in sixteen months. I've grown both professionally and

academically, and I've received a wealth of tools that I can use in the classroom every day.

Because I am a visual and hands-on learner, I was nervous about completing my degree

totally online. To my surprise, I believe I excelled in this atmosphere, which I attribute in

large part to the program's design and implementation as well as my own passion to

academics. In the past year and a half, all of the instructors I've worked with have been

exceedingly kind and helpful. In addition, thanks to today's amazing technology, I was able to

remotely meet with teachers and collaborate with classmates who were located on the other

side of the country. I am impressed by how easily I was able to connect with peers in the field

of world language studies. Some of my classmates and I have developed close friendships,

and we are always in touch and working together. With the help of the Michigan World

Language Association and new professional contacts, I've been able to beef up my resume.

An online degree has exceeded my expectations, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to

complete it. The program's wide range of classes was one of its strongest draws for me. As

soon as I began classes, I began to wonder if some of the material would be familiar from my
undergraduate studies. Fortunately, my anxieties were swiftly put to rest. As I look back on

my college education, I can say that my professors and student teaching opportunities were

excellent. But what impressed me most about the MAFLT program is that they devoted full

semesters to things that we may have only briefly discussed or studied in my undergraduate

classes. Second language acquisition (SLA) and literacy in the target language were only

briefly discussed in my undergraduate degree. Following my graduation from the MAFLT

program, I've been working on SLA research papers and lesson plans aimed at helping

students improve their literacy in the target language. Since taking these classes I've learned a

great deal that I can apply in my current teaching position.

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