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A : good mornig, may I help you?

B : good morning. Yes, I would like to complain about the wrong specification of the product.
A : I see. Take a seat, maam.
B : ah, thank you
A : Could you tell me exactly what happened?
B : well, I'm afraid that may there is a wrong specification. According to your company
magazine that you sent to our company, you should deliver 200 pieces of black dress but you
sent me 100 pieces of gray dress. This is unacceptable.
A : I see. We understand why you are so frustrated and we are really sorry about it. Let me see if
I understand the problem correctly. You said that you received 100 pieces grey dress but our
company should send you 200 pieces black dress. Is that right?
B : yes it is.
A : what would you like me to do to fix the problem?
B : According to the sales contract, you have to replace them with the correct ones immediately.
A : Alright. We are going to send them without further delay.
B : Thank you.
A : You are welcome. See you again.

B : good morning. May I help you?
A : I am calling to confirm if you have received the replacement of the wrong specifications of
the product
B : Oh, yes. We have received it on 29 of May. Thank you for your kind attention.
A : Are you satisfied with the products?
B : Well, it is excellent.
A : Alright. We are happy that you like it. Have a nice day, maam.
B : have a nice day.

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