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1. Create your own definition of Globalization.


Ans: Globalization is simply the recognition that we have become increasing interdependent
and connected worldwide. Our ideas, cultures, and economic trade are increasingly becoming
global. This means that we will and should increasingly see ourselves as members of one
common world community and one common race (species), the human race. Prejudices and
pursuit of national and personal self-interest at the expense of others are barriers to achieving
this vision. Eventually, we will recognize the need for international regulations and
governance sufficient to prevent war, regulate some forms of trade, protect certain human
rights, protect the environment, and address crime.

2. Narrate your personal experience/ s of globalization and share your perspective /s about the
world. (5 pts)

Ans: Yesterday, we ate Mc Donald’s for dinner and also while scanning on my new feeds
I’ve watched videos of people from various country. As the clock keeps on ticking
globalization will soon reach every area around the world whether we like it or not. We
should accept the fact that as long as there is globalization there will be a change that the
world will go through.

2. Make an inventory of the things that personally belong to you. Organize your inventory into
two categories: 1) made in the Philippines, 2) imported/ made abroad, and list countries of
origin. (10 pts)


1)      Made in the Philippines Imported/Made Abroad and Place of Origin

 Oppo A16 (Indonesia)

 Nike Bag (Indonesia)
 H-Head Shirt  Shein Trunks (China)
 Penshoppe Shirt  Addidas Bag (Indonesia)
 Penshoppe Cap (Indonesia)

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