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Even though genes play a part in causing obesity and overweight issues, it can be overcome with

different solutions. For example, my cousin comes from a family that’s generally overweight, but he
chooses to change his life and now he doesn’t have those. This is the way to solve obesity and
overweight issues by changing your lifestyle and there's various ways you can do this. I'm going to
mention 3 ways.

First one is limit intake of fats and sugar. We as people enjoy tasty food which makes us devour
unhealthy foods. This is where fast food industry takes a toll on countries. Almost all items on fast food
menus are deep fried or packed with sugar, and many even contain chemicals that make the food
addictive. (Brad, 2009) the convenance of these places makes it stress free for societies to continue to
purchase foods at these establishments. For instance, people who are always in a rush are not able to
make lunch for themselves, so they turn to the most convenient way to fill their hunger. Fastfood can be
found in almost every corner and its cheap. But there many foods that can be made quick and their
healthy i.e., tuna and salad.

Second reason is engaged in regular physical activities. There are plenty of forms of exercise that can be
performed to lose weight. An exercise plan for overweight and obese people who have limited range of
motion can be an effective treatment. (Obesity exercise, 2009) even if you don’t have time to spare
there is always other things like parking further in the parking lot. These exercises will reduce risk of
dying from heart disease or stroke. According to a survey conducted the leading causes of death in
Australia is heart disease.

Final reason is eating organic foods. Organic food promotes healthy patterns of cell division and lays
down the ground work for your body to regulate the normal amount of blood sugar and immune
system. (Organic pathways) I know some people are limited when it comes to spending money on
expensive food but organic foods can be grown to save money. Evening adding small portion to your
diet can help you lose weight in the long run. In addition, organic food is tasty to.

mcdonalds-kfc-wendys-corporations Etiology (n.d.) Retrieved from

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