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Social, Political, Economic and Culture in Philippine


Agrarian Reform Policies

Agrarian Reform - Essentially the restructuring of the whole

system of agriculture.

- Agriculture is the main source of living particularly in

emerging countries. Reforms are important because they
protect the rights of the farmers.

- It incorporates all programs designed to bring about

development in all organizations surrounding farm life. It
helps the farmers become prosperous.

Philippine Land Ownership Under Spain

When the Spaniards colonized the Philippines, they conveyed the

Pueblo Agricultural, where the rural groups often are
disseminated and spread in nature and given land to nurture.

: They compensated their colonial tributes to the Spanish

Authorities in the form of Agricultural Products.
Through the Indies Law, the Spanish crown awarded areas to the

1. Religious Order
2. The Repartamiento for the Spanish Military as reward for
their service.
3. The Spanish Encomendero - those mandated to manage the
Encomienda or the lands given to them had Filipinos that
worked and paid their tributes to the Encomendero.

The Encomienda System - was an unfair and obnoxious system

as “compras y vandala” became the custom for the Filipino
Farmers working the lands.

What is Compras y Vándalas?

A compras y vandalas system was practiced wherein tillers were made to

compulsory sell at a very low price or surrender their agricultural harvests
to Spanish authorities where encomiendas can resell it for a profit.

The Hacienda System - was established at the beginning of the

19th century as the Spanish government implemented rules that
would fast track the access of the colony into the industrial world.

- The Hacienda system was abolished after South America’s

liberation happened, but the Philippines has continued to
use this system even after the country became independent
in 1946.

- The Hacendados became more visibly authoritative and

formed a new aristocracy of the autonomous country.

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