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Deane ek: ue ee UNIT 1. 60 DONG TU THUONG RA TRONG DE THI 1, accommodate (v) dip img/cung | accommodate a large tour group/accommodate your request. cap cho. 2. analyze (v) phan tich analyze the traffic data/ analyze the efficiency of the - analysis (n) sit phan tich factories/promotion to senior analyst ~ analyst (n) nha phan tich 3. address (v) néi chuyén, gidi quyét address the audience/ address customers’ complaints 4, apply (v) tng tuyén/ap dung apply for a job transfer/the offer only applies to flights from London and Manchester. t 5. afford (v) dit kha nang chi tra cannot afford the expense/cannot afford to buy a home. 6. assume (v) cho rang assume that the weather is good 7. allocate (v) phan b6/bé tri allocate a team to the project/ allocated budget 8. attract (v) thu hut attract new customers 9. allow (v) cho phép allow interns to participate in/ allow entrance into C 10. certify (v) ching nhan certify the building as eco-friendly 11. complete (v) hoan thanh complete a survey a 12, designate (v) chi dinh/bé nhigm designate Mr. Bae as a supervisor/ designated parking areas 13. conduct (v) tién hanh conduct market research/ conduct a job interview ‘i 14, determine (v) xac dinh determine the best way to solve the problem. 15. confirm (v) xe nh§n confirm the reservation 16. direct (v) giti, huéng dan Most of the money will be directed toward the project 17. consult (v) tham van/tham khao consult an expert/ consult the manual 18. disregard (v) khOng quan tim disregard all previous memos din 19. cost (n) chi phi, (v) c6 gid the cost of production/ What does it cost? 20. enclose (v) dinh kém/rio bao enclosed is a résumé/ enclose a garden quanh 21. endorse (v) ky vao, quing cdo The actress agreed to endorse the new makeup line/ endorse a check 22. extend (v) mé réng, kéo dai extend its business hours 23. enforce (v) bat bude, thi hanh enforce the law/ enforce new safety regulations 24. feature (v) bao gom/cé, (n) tinh | fe.s¢ure a stylish design/ an important feature ning/dje diém 25. exceed (v) vugt qua exceed expectations/ exceed the speed limit 26. follow (v) lam theo follow the instructions 27. experience (n) kinh nghigm, (v) | experience difficulties in the new job/ a job that requires previous trai qua experience 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAI THI ) | Deane ek: ue ee 28. host (v) t6 chite, (n) ngudi dan | host a TV program host a convention chwrong trinh 29. expire (v) hét han food that will expire soon 30. illustrate (v) minh hoa/gidi thich_| The chart illustrates the process/ The book is illustrated with many pictures 31. implement (v) thy hién implement the latest data-analysis methods 32. maintain (v) bio dudng, duy tri maintain a building/ maintain good health . institute (v) thié |. mark (y) dénh dau, (n) diém . interrupt (v) tam ngung, ngat l6i_ The bus service was interrupted/ If you have any questions, lap institute a policy that allows telecommuting this event marks our 10th anniversary/ earn high marks please interrupt me at any time 36. modify (v) chinh sita/stra ddi—| modify the product design 37. introduce (v) giéi thiéu introduce a new car/ introduce new technology C 38. notify (v) théng bao notify Ms. Suh of her promotion 39. locate (v) xdc dinh vi tri, dit tai the office is located in the city/ locate a leak 40. obligate (v) bat bude be obligated to pay for any damage/ be not obligated to replace), the product 41. offset (v) bi dap in order to offset the increased cost of materials 42, promote (v) thang chife, quang ba, promote its new line of products/ be promoted to manager 43. recognize (v) ghi nbn, nh§n ra Mr. Lee was recognized for his work 44, oversee (v) gidm sat oversee the evening shift! oversee the company’s domestic operations 45. outfit (v) trang bi, cung cp Each participant should be outfitted with this device 46. reflect (v) phan nh, thé hi¢n reflect the current trend/ reflect the opinions 47. outline (v) phat thao, mé ta outline the year’s budget/ the outline of the contract Gg, 48. register (v) dang ky register for a workshop 49. postpone (v) hodn Iai postpone a meeting 50, remove (v) théo, logi bé remove a stain from a carpet/ remove one’s shoes, 51. replace (y) thay thé replace a defective item 52, secure (v) 6 duge, secure a parking space 53. represent (v) dai represent a company/ represent a manager in the meeting 54, specify (v) néu 19, ghi ro specify the date/ The government has specified that... 55. require (v) yéu cdu a special license is required for/ require a workforce of 100 56, streamline (v) tinh gin streamline the production process 57. reserve (v) dat reserve airline tickets 58. sustain (vy) duy tri sustain strong profits 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAI THI ) : | Deane ek: ue ee Pod Geos 59, retain (v) gidt, gitr chan retain loyal customers/ retain dedicated employees by offering incentives 60. undergo (v) trai qua undergo a medical checkup/ undergo changes FINAL TEST 1. Insadong Images proudly —--- Machiko Nakamura as its new senior graphics designer (A) introduces (B) accomplishes 2. Please do not enter the building until you are ------- otherwise. (A) notified (B) realized 3. Repairing the machine --—- half as much as buying a new one. (A) paid _(B) cost 4, ------- the meeting because of a scheduling conflict. (A) evaluate (B) postpone 5. The results of the study ------ the hypothesis. (A) confirmed (B) certified 6. ------- the physician as often as needed. (A) consult (B) compare 7. All materials —---- for the upcoming seminar need to be copied. (A) called (B) required 8, To ----- the Adele’s Apparel store that is nearest to you, select your state or country from the pull-down menu. (A) afford (B) create (C) locate _(D) provide 9. Customers of Millor Catering should ------ on the back of this form any special dietary needs they may have. (A) advise (B) initiate (C) specify (D) permit 10, At the Podell Automotive plant, Ms. Krystle (A) conducts (B) explains (C) invests (D) oversees 11. Ms. Gupta wishes to ------ the terms of her employment contract before signing it. (A) deprive (B) respond (C) modify (D) assure . 12. Emone Motor Company has not ----- any delays in production or delivery to dealerships this quarter, (A) exerted _(B) submitted (C) represented (D) experienced 13. Lim Myung Hee, vice president of public relations, will —~ meeting on February 14. (A) represent (B) furnish (C) indicate (D) perform 14, According to the proposal, a large block of rooms in the east wing of the new building will be - ------- for storage. (A) designated (B) detained (C) reciprocated __(D) signified 15. Please review the new safety procedures and ------ any questions to Mr. Bae at extension 2528. (A) inquire (B) direct (C) expect (D) prepare workers who install rebuilt engines in vehicles. Kavi Financial at the shareholder 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAI THI i Deane ek: ue ee Pod Geos DAP AN VA GIAI THICH 1, Insadong Images proudly ----- Machiko | KEY A. Nakamura as its new senior graphics designer. (A) introd Phan tich: Dya vao nghia introduces (A) introduces (v) gidi thigu (B) accomplishes (B) accomplishes (v) hoan thanh Voca: proudly (adv) tu hao, senior (adj) ep cao. Tam dich: Insadong Images ty hao gidi thigu Machiko Nakamura 1a nha thiét ké dé hoa cap cao mdi cia minh. 2, Please do not enter the building until you are | KEY A. ~~ otherwise. Phin tich: Dya vao nghia A) notified (A) notified (v) théng bao (B) realized (B) realized (v) nhdn ra Voca: enter (v) di vao, otherwise (adv) khdc. Tam dich: Xin vui long dimg vao toa nha cho téi khi ban duge nhan théng bao khac. 3. Repairing the machine ---- half as much as | KEY B. buying a new one. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia (A) paid (A) paid (v) thanh ton (B) cost (B) cost (v) tiéu tn Voca: machine (n) may, buy (v) mua. Tam dich: Viéc sita chita may nay tiéu tén bang mét nia so voi mua may méi. 4, the meeting because of a scheduling | KEY B. conflict. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia (A) evaluate (A) evaluate (v) dinh gid (B) postpone (B) postpone (v) hoan lai Voca: sheduling conflict (n) tring lich. Tam dich: Hoan lai cugc hop do tring lich. 5. The results of the study ------- the hypothesis. KEY A. (A) confirmed Phan tich: Dya vao nghia. (B) certified (A) confirmed (v) xée nhan (B) certified (v) chimg thyc, edp chimg chi Voca: hypothesis (n) gia thuyét. Tam dich: Cac két qua ctia cudc nghién citu da xc nhan gia thuyét nay. a] 6. ------- the physician as often as needed. KEY A. (A) consult Phan tich: Dya vio nghia (B) compare (A) consult (v) héi y kién (B) compare (v) so sénh Voca : physician (n) bie si. Tam dich: Hoi y kién bac si thudng xuyén khi can thiét. 7. All materials ------- for the upcoming seminar. KEY B. need to be copied. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia (A) called (A) called (v) duge goi (B) required (B) required (v) yéu cau Voea: material (n) tai ligu, seminar (n) hdi thao. 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAI THI Deane ek: ue ee cues prez ‘t ca cdc tai ligu can thiét cho hdi nghi sp téi can phai duge photo. 8. To the Adele’s Apparel store that is KEY C. nearest to you, select your state or country from Phan tich: Dya vo nghia the pull-down menu. (A) Afford (v) dit kha ning (A) afford (B) Create (v) tao ra (B) create (C) locate (v) xac dinh (C) locate (D) Provide (v) cung cap (D) provide Voca: state (n) bang. Tam dich: Dé tim vi tri ctra hing Adele’s Apparel ma gin ban nhat, hy chon bang hodc quéc gia cita ban tir thanh kéo xuéng. 9. Customers of Millor Catering should -------- | KEY C. on the back of this form any special dietary “Phin tich: Dya vo nghia needs they may have. (A) advise (v) khuyén (B) initiate (v) bat dau (©) specify (v) ghi r6 (C) specify (D) permit (v) cho phép (D) permit Voca: need (n) nhu edu, dietary (adj) an kiéng, Tam di clu an kiéng dac bigt ma ho c6 thé 6. 10. At the Podell Automotive plant, Ms. Krystle | KEY D. Cae vi khdch cia Millor Catering nén ghi r6 trén mat sau cia mau giay nay bat ki nhu ------- workers who install rebuilt engines in Phin tich: Dya vao nghia vehicles. (A) conduets (v) tién hanh (A) conducts (B) explains (v) gidi thich (B) explains (C) invests (v) dau tu (C) invests (D) oversees (v) gidm sat (D) oversees Voca: plant (n) nha may, vehicle (n) xe. Tam dich: Tai nha my san xuat 6 T6 Podell, 6 Krystle gidm sat nhan céng nguéi lap rap déng co duge kim Iai trong xe. - the terms ofher KEY C. 11. Ms. Gupta wishes to --- employment contract before signing it. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia (A) deprive (A) deprive (v) tuéc lay (B) respond (B) respond (v) tra 10i (C) modify (C) modify (v) diéu chinh (D) assure (D) assure (v) dam bao Voea: term (n) diéu khoan, employment contract (n) hop dong lao déng. . Tam dich: Cé Gupta mu6n stra d6i cae di¢u khoan trong hgp dong lao d6ng cia minh trudée khi ky, 12 Emone Motor Company has not ------—- KEY D. any delays in production or delivery to Phan tich: Dya vio nghia dealerships this quarter. (A) exerted (v) ap dung (A) exerted (B) submitted (v) nép (B) submitted (©) represented (v) dai dién (C) represented (D) experienced (v) trai qua (D) experienced Voca: production (n) viée san xuat, quarter (n) quy. Tam dich: Céng ty Emone Motor khéng gap phai bat ky sy cham tré trong san xuat hodc giao hang téi cdc dai ly trong quy nay. 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAI THI Za Deane ek: ue ee i 13. Lim Myung Hee, vice president of public KEY A. relations, will ------ Kavi Financial at the Phin tich: Dya vao nghia shareholder meeting on February 14. (A) represent (v) dai dién (A) represent (B) furnish (v) trang bi dé dac (B) fumish (©) indicate (v) thé hign (C) indicate (D) perform (v) thy hign (D) perform Voca: vice president (n) phé chia tich, shareholder (n) cuge hop e6 déng. Tam djch: Lim Myung Hee, phé cht tich phdng quan hé cong chung, sé dai dign Kavi Financial tai cudc hop cé déng vao ngay 14 thang 2. 14. According to the proposal, a large block of KEY A. rooms in the east wing of the new building will Phan tich: Dya vao nghia be -----—-- for storage. (A) designated (v) chon (A) designated (B) detained (v) can tré, giam gitt (B) detained (C) reciprocated (v) dap lai (tinh cam) (C) reciprocated (D) signified (v) thé hign (D) signified Voea: according (prep) theo nh, proposal (n) ban dé xudt, a large block of (phr) nhiéu. VU Tam dich: Theo nhu dé xuat, nhiéu phong 6 canh phia déng cia toa nha méi sé duge chon lam noi uu kho. 15. Please review the new safety procedures and | KEY B. ----+ any questions to Mr. Bae at extension Phéin tich: Dya vao nghia 2528. (A) inquire about (v) hoi (A) inquire (B) direct (v) chuyén, giti (B) direct (C) expect (v) mong dgi (C) expect (D) prepare (v) chuan bj (D) prepare Voca: procedure (n) quy trinh. Tam dich: Vui long xem lai cdc quy trinh an toan mdi va guti bat ky cau hdi nao cho ng Bae theo sé may 1é 2528. 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAI THI i

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