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Deane ek: ue ee 40 CUM DANH TU THUONG GAP TRONG BAI THI 1. a variety of~ nhiéu, da dang, mét loat a wide variety of dishes/ a variety of tour options 2. business proposal~ bin dé xudt kinh doanh an updated business _proposal/ review one’s business proposal and make a decision . access to the data~ truy edp vo dit ligu Access to the data is strictly restricted to authorized personnel only/ to get access to the data 4, conduct a survey~ tién hanh khao sat conduct a poll/ regularly conduct a customer satisfaction survey 5. advance registration~ ding ky truéc ‘As this seminar is so popular, advance registration is a must/ Advance registration is required t 6. cost-cutting measure~ bién phap ct gidm chi implement cost-cutting measures/ savings from. phi cost-cutting measures 7. be in charge of~ chiu tréch nhigm Ms. Hamilton is currently in charge of the Marketing Division nhan vién hai quan The customs official checked the package/ baggage _ search by customs officials 8. customs official 9. business expenses~ chi phi kinh doanh increase profits by lowering business expenses 10. day[night] shift~ ca Lim viée ngay [dém] day shift on weekdays from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M 11. give[pay] attention to~ liu tam/chi ¥ ti No attention was given to this matter i 12. job performance~ higu sudt céng vige complain about his job performance/ improve their job performances 13. have [gain/ maintain] a good reputation for~ As a CEO, Mr. Na maintains a good reputation for 6 [c6 duge/duy tri] danh tiéng tt cho his energy 14, keynote speaker~ dién gid chinh. keynote address[speech]/ arrange for the keynote speaker f 15. ina timely manner|fashion|~ kip lic/kip thai. Any complaints from customers will be dealt with ina timely manner 16. make a revision~ thyc hign stra ddi make a revision to the event schedule/ make revisions to the manuscript 17. in chronological order~ theo thir ty théi gian in the order of the dates received 18. marketing strategy~ chién luge tigp thj use the media as a marketing strategy 19. It is (high) time to...~ da dén lic phai lam gi dé It is high time to reconsider... Oi 20. on a first-come, first-served basis~ theo take reservations on a first-come, first- served basis nguyén tic dén trude phye vu trude 21. membership benefits~ cac lgi ich cua thanh a brochure that explains membership benefits vién 22. provide assistance to~ dua ra sy gidp d6téi the consultant providing assistance to small 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAITHI Em Deane ek: ue ee oe companies 23. on display~ trung bay keep items on display during the sale 24. proximity to~ gan offer convenient proximity to the airport 25. out of service~ hong The printer is currently out of service 26. public relations~ quan h¢ cdng ching improve public relations skills 27. out of stock~ hét hang The item is temporarily out of stock 28. put[place] an emphasis on~ chu trong/nh4n a huge emphasis will be placed on/ put an emphasis mamh vé on quality 29, play a role(part] in~ déng vai trd trong play a role in the company’s success t 30. raw materials~ nguyén liu thé lower import taxes for raw materials q 31. recommendation letter~ thu gidi thigu write recommendation letters - 32, take a detour around~ di duémg vong The bridge was blocked, so I had to take a detour around 33. restore confidence in~ lay lai niém tin Thanks to their follow-up measures, customers | could restore confidence in their products, 34. under one’s direction ~ dudi sy huéng dan cia under one’s supervision aids 35. safety procedures~ cdc quy trinh an ton The workers should follow the safety procedures 36. under pressure~ dudi ap lye All the workers are under pressure | 37. sales revenue~ doanh thu ban hang ‘The company’s sales revenues rose by 20 percent - 38. with the exception of~ ngoai trir with the exception of minor errors + 39, seating capacity~ site chita ché ngdi an auditorium with a seating capacity of 500 40. without consent~ ma khéng cé sy chap thuan Without your prior written consent, we do not release... 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAITHI Ea Deane ek: ue ee ee FINAL TEST 1. The elevators will be out of ----- for the week. (A) service (B) aid 2, A ---~ of fashion styles can be seen. (A) variety (B) kind 3. with the ------- of telephone and cable charges. (A) excess (B) exception 4, A customs —---- will check the luggage. (A) client (B) official 5, the market-research department conducted a on, (A) survey (B) response 6. It was -- - to try using different materials. (A) time (B) moment 7. play an important ------ in preparing leaders for the country. (A) role (B) task 8. Drivers must take a ------- around the construction site until the building is completed in November. (A) change (B) view (C) detour(D) gap 9. After the president’s welcoming remarks, sales manager Tonya Nero will lead a --—- on product promotion strategies. (A) situation(B) discussion (C) selection(D) delivery 10. Several have been made to the layout of Banham Library’s Web site. (A) revisions (B) processes (C) considerations (D) concepts 11. The research and development division at Spiridon Biometrics has improved the quality and scope of its products under Ms. Chang’s (A) disposal (B) direction (C) _ prominence (D) capacity 12. Alll products on (A) example(B) display (C)_ measure (D)_ assembly in the store window are available at reduced prices. 13. The goal of our publication is to provide ------ to students who want to study overseas. (A) effort (B) engagement (C)assistance _(D) attraction -- was given to the lighting fixtures and decorations. 14. During the hotel renovation, special - (A) introduction (B) attempt (C) conference (D) attention 15, Running a successful art gallery takes more than just a love of art; it also requires a certain business . (A) skill (B) creation (©) progress (D) admiration 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAITHI Ez Deane ek: ue ee i ee pAP AN VA LOI GIAI 1. The elevators will be out of for the KEY A. week. Phan tich: Cum out of service~ ngung hoat (A) service d6ng, khong c6 thé sir dung. Cdn cum out of aid~ (B) aid khéng c6 su hé try. Do dé, dya vio nghia chon A Voca: elevator (n) thang may. Tam dich: Thang may sé ngung hoat d6ng trong tuan nay. of fashion styles can be seen. KEY A. Phan tich: Cum mac dinh A variety of~ nhiéu. Voca: fashion (n) thai trang. Tam dich: Cé thé thay nhiéu loai phong cach théi trang. 3. with the ------ of telephone and cable KEY B. charges. Phin tich: Cym with the exception of~ ngoai trr (A) excess = except for. Con (B) excess (n) vugt qué, thi (B) exception khéng hop nghia | Voca: charge (n) phi. Tam dich: Ngoai trir phi dién thoai va truyén hinh cap. will check the luggage. (A) | KEY B. Phin tich: Phia truée cd "customs~ hai quan” (B) official nén dién danh tir hop nghia dé tao thinh cum “customs official~ nhan vién hai quan”. Cén | client~ khach hang (khéng hop nghia). ustom (n) hai quan; luggage (n) hanh ly — ‘Tam djch: Mét nhan vin hai quan sé 5. the market-research department conducted a | KEY A. ; - on. Phan tich: Conduct~ tién hanh, sé di (A) survey "survey~ khéo sat". Con response (n) sy phan (B) response (khéng hgp nghia). | Voca: department (n) b6 phan; conduct (v) tién | hanh Tam dich: BO phan nghién ciru thi trong da tién hanh cudc khao sat vé. 6. It was ------- to try using different materials. KEY A. (A) time Phan tich: Céu tric it is (high) time to. (B) moment luc dé lam gi dé. Voea: try doing something (phr) thir im gi dé; material (n) vat ligu, chat ligu. Tam djch: Di dén lic dé thir str dyng cdc vat ligu khdc. 7. play an important ------- in preparing leaders | KEY A. for the country. Phan Cum “play an important role in”~ (A) role dong vai trd quan trong trong. (B) task Voea: leader (n) lanh dao; country (1) quée gia ‘Tam dich: Déng vai tro quan trong trong viée sp xép cdc Hinh dao cho quéc gia. 8. Drivers must take a around the KEY C. construction site until the building is Phan tich: cum take a detour around~ di duéng completed in November. vong xung quanh. 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAITHI za Deane ek: ue ee i (A) change (A) change (n) su thay doi (B) view (B) view (n) tim nhin, quan diém (©) detour (C) detour (n) dudng ving (D) gap (D) gap (n) khoang trong Voca: construction site (n) céng trudng; until (conj) cho dén khi; complete (v) hoan thanh Tam djch: Tai xé phai di duéng vong xung quanh céng trdng cho dén khi téa nha hoan thanh vao thang 11. 9. After the presidents welcoming remarks, KEY B. sales manager Tonya Nero will lead a mn Phan tich: Phia truée dé y cé lead~ dan dat. Thi product promotion strategies. chi lién quan dén dap dn B. (A) situation (A) situation (n) tinh trang (B) discussion (B) discussion (n) cude thao luén (C) selection (C) selection (n) sy Iya chon (D) delivery (D) delivery (n) sy giao hang Voca: president (n) chit tich; lead (v) dan dat; strategy (n) chién luge; promotion (n) sy quang ba Ut +h, giém déc ban hang Tonya Nero sé din dat cude ‘Tam dich: Sau bai dién van chao mimg cha thao ludn vé cdc chién Inge quang ba san pham. -- have been made to the KEY A. 10. Several — layout of Banham Library’s Web site. Phan tich: Phia sau cé “layout~ bé tri” nén chi (A) revisions c6 thé 1a A. + (B) processes (A) revisions (n) su chinh stra/stra d6i (©) considerations (B) processes (n) qué trinh (D) concepts (C) considerations (n) sy can nhac (D) concepts (n) khai nigm Voca: several (det) mét vai; layout (n) bé cue, cach bé tri Tam dich: Mét vai sy stra déi da duge thc hign d4i véi bé cuc ciia trang web Thu vign Banham 11. The research and development division at | KEY B. Spiridon Biometrics has improved the quality Phin tich: Cum under one’s direction~ dui sy and scope of its products under Ms. Chang’s - chi dao cita ai dé nén chon B. on (A) disposal (n) sur vitt bo (A) disposal (B) direction (n) sy chidao (B) direction (©) prominence (n) sy néi bav/xudt ching (C) prominence (D) capacity (n) site chita, kha nang (D) capacity Voca: division (n) b} phan; improve (v) cai thign/ndng cao; scope (n) pham vi. ‘Tam dich: B6 phan nghién ciru va phat trién tai Sinh trac hoc Spiridon 4a cai thign chat lrgng va pham vi cia cdc sn pham ciia minh duéi sy chi dgo cia bi Chang. 12. All products on ------ in the store window KEY B. are available at reduced prices. Phan tieh: Cum on display~ duge trung bay. (A) example (A) example (n) su kiém tra (B) display (B) display (n) sy trmg bay (C) measure (C) measure (n) bign phap (D) assembly (D) assembly (n) su lip rap 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAITHI Ea gui soan: Quan Minh & Sao Mail i ee Voca: store window (n) cra sé trung bay cia ctra hang; reduce (v) gidm. ‘t ca sin phdm duge trung bay trong cita s6 trung bay ciia cita hang cé sin dé mua tai mite gid duge gi. 13. The goal of our publication is to provide - | KEY C. ----- to students who want to study overseas. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia dé chon (A) effort (A) effort (n) né Tye (B) engagement (B) engagement (n) dinh hon (©) assistance (©) assistance (1) sy hé try (D) attraction (D) attraction (n) sy thu hat Voca: goal (n) muc tiéu; publication (n) vige xuat ban/tap chi; study overseas (phr) du hoc. Tam dich: Muc dich cia tap chi cita chung t6i 1A cung cap sy hé tro cho nhimg sinh vién mudn di du hoe. 14. During the hotel renovation, special ------ | KEY D. was given to the lighting fixtures and Phan tich: Dya vio nghia dé chon decorations, (A) introduction (n) giéi thigu (A) introduction (B) attempt (n) né lye (B) attempt (©) conference (n) héi nghj (©) conference (D) attention (n) sy cha ¥ (D) attention Voca: renovation (n) su cai tao; lighting fixtures (n) thiét bi chiéu sang; decoration (n) dé trang tri. Tam dich: Trong qué trinh cai tao khach san, ngu6i ta dic biét cha y dén cdc thiét bi chiéu sing va d6 trang tri. 15. Running a successful art gallery takes KEY A. more than just a love of art; it also requires. Phan tich: Cn dién danh tir hop nghia a certain business (A) skill (n) k¥ nang (A) skill (B) creation (n) sang tao (B) creation (C) progress (n) tién trinh (C) progress (D) admiration (n) sy nguéng m6 (D) admiration Voca: run (v) diéu hanh/chay; art gallery (n)/ phong trumg bay nghé thuat; more than~ hon; require (v) yéu cau, doi hdi; certain (adj) nhat dinh Tam dich: Diéu hanh mét phong trung bay nghé thuat thinh cong khéng chi la tinh yéu ddi voi_ nghé thuat; n6 cing dai héi mét ky nang kinh doanh nhat dinh. 2022 | CHINH PHUC 990 CUM TU TRONG BAITHI Za

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