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Guia 2-La palabra

1. What difficult moments are lived in history, three of them pose

and argue from the position you are in?
One of the difficult moments in history happened in 1972, which is the
date in which Héctor has to suffer together with his family a sad and
heartbreaking case where her sister Marta suffered from cancer, and is
there where he and his family live a sad moment of the death of their
Sister, although it was a very sad event, that was what
helped Hector have more willpower to fight for the
human rights, which is where he demonstrated how the
people's rights by the police force and politics.

Another of the most difficult moments that Héctor Abad went through
when he ran over Doña Betsabé to avoid paying prison, Héctor in that
At that time he preferred to go to an asylum, which was a bad
decision by Héctor since each person who entered there or
it got worse from the head or the one that was not as it was his case
He was crazy, but thanks to his family he was able to leave quickly,
Concerned about Bathsheba, she found out his state of health, and
learned that
He was stable but it would take a while to recover. Doña Bathsheba
she said something very sad, it was what she portrayed as this society
is, she
she said that the accident was a blessing to her, that God had
sent that event since she left mass and was
asking to give their children work. But before she had to
pay for your guilt. I pass that event and pay its faults.

And last difficult moment, was when they arrested and tortured a
disciple and friend of his on the part of the army, he accused the army
psychological and physical torture done in the worst way towards
detainees of the IV brigade, without even letting them sit on the ground
a moment, without letting them sleep, hitting them, with feet and hands
different parts of the body, insulting them, letting them hear the screams
the others detained in neighboring rooms, uncovering their eyes
just to see how they pretend to rape their wives, and many, many more
heinous things being done to them, violating their integrity,
dignity and above all your rights as a society.

2. What is the relationship you find between the text and reality
Social? Explain it.
The relationship that I find in the text with reality is that despite
how supposedly civilized we are now, there's still a lot
discrimination in our country, there is also a lot of corruption on the part
of the politicians and high positions of power in the country.

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