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Adayo, Jasmine Rudelle M.

Professor Richard Gabris

BS Electrical Engineering GED009 – AL21



A country's constitution establishes the framework for government, which is critical for

ensuring that everyone's interests and demands are met. Moreover, it ensures that individuals

who make decisions on behalf of the public do so in a way that is fair to the public. Also, it lays

out how those in positions of authority might be held accountable to the people.

The 1987 Philippine Constitution established fundamental principles so that citizens

understand what their government may and cannot do. Also, in this constitution separates three

branches of the Philippine government which are executive, a bicameral legislature, and the

judiciary. On the other hand, according to Section 3 Article II of 1987 Philippine constitution,

the goal of the Armed Forces of the Philippine is “to secure the sovereignty of the State and the

integrity of the national territory.” This statement is essential to the country because it maintains

the country at peace and away from any war, also, it protects the natural resources or treasures of

the Philippine. Moreover, the Bill of Rights is also included to this constitution. The bill of right

is a paramount law for the citizens of the Philippine because in Article III it states all the rights

of the people and their properties to be secured and the rights of people to be free. In addition,

The Bill of Rights is significant because the citizens have the right to live, to be free, to be

secure, and to own property. Also, they have the right to a transparent, credible, competent, and

impartial justice system that is free of influence and corruption, in which wrongs are righted and

justice is served fairly, quickly, and equitably.

From my standpoint, the most important constitution among the four constitutions that

was discussed is the 1987 Philippine Constitution because the entire Constitution would fall

apart if the Bill of Rights was not included. Its purpose is to protect the Filipino people from

government violations. It is a charter of individual liberties as well as a limitation on the power

of the state.

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