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Think and Talk Like You Went to Business School

Stephen R. Stephan, MD and David L. Skaggs, MD, MMM

Abstract: Most orthopaedic surgeons do not have formal training
In general, business school teaches its students to
in business education. We have learned that success comes to
build trust, take risks, learn from failure, and understand
those who study hard, choose the correct answer on multiple-
how to “talk the talk.” By working on these skills, business
choice tests, and focus on patient care and operating. In contrast,
people can venture out into any field and apply their
business school graduates learned that success comes to those
learned knowledge to any subject.
who apply interpersonal skills to build relationships and trust, in
addition to taking risks. Medical school and business school Building Relationships and Earning Trust
teach one to confront the “real world” with quite a different Building a relationship is the first step in establishing
perspective. In this manuscript, we will touch on a few things that trust. Historically, physicians have been skeptical about
we can learn from business school graduates. establishing trust, especially with administrations. It
Key Words: orthopaedic surgery, medical school, business would not be rare to hear a physician say, “you must get
school, relationships everything from the administration in writing.” This atti-
tude is not always correct and can be harmful. If one does
(J Pediatr Orthop 2022;42:S53–S55) not have some level of trust with those they work with,
they should probably consider leaving the job. This has
been especially evident in signing contracts with future
A s orthopaedic surgeons, we have traditionally been the
top of our class throughout our education and training.
Many of us were in the top 5% of our high school class,
There are pros and cons when using an attorney to
help with contract reviews, and you, as the focus of the
contract, need to make sure you know what you want and
went to prestigious universities where we excelled in difficult
how badly you want it. Many times, when attorneys re-
premed courses, then went on to medical school. To match view a contract and insist on changes, it appears to breed
successfully into orthopaedic surgery, we had to have ri-
distrust. This may not be the best advice for everyone, but
diculously high United States Medical Licensing Examina-
I have never had an attorney help with my contracts, and I
tion Step 1 and 2 scores, obtain honor grades in almost have been on both sides of the table in this situation. Some
every preclinical and clinical course, and then shine on
people even believe that surgeons, just like athletes, should
subinternship away rotations. In 2020, there were 1177 ap-
have agents to guide negotiations. This may be true for
plicants for 849 orthopaedic surgery positions in the United
some physicians, but the bottom line is that the bigger the
States.1 Everything involved in becoming an orthopaedic
institution, the less likely any change will be permitted to
surgeon is focused on individual accomplishment.
the contract, particularly for a first job. Many issues, such
In contrast, people who went to business school were
as call, triage, and operating room time can be docu-
taught early on that collaboration, collegiality, and most mented in an e-mail. If you feel a contract is “against”
importantly, relationships, were the keys to success. They
certain aspects, discuss this with your potential boss, and if
view the real world as a golden opportunity to network
you are not satisfied, look elsewhere. Essentially, by
and forge connections with others to grow and get ahead. knowing what you want and how badly you want it, you
What follows are some lessons we can learn from them.
can negotiate effectively with your future employer. There
For ease of reading, the personal experience of the senior
is often some give and take, and only you can fully es-
author (D.L.S.) will be in first person. He received his
tablish how much in each direction. This is where lawyers
Masters of Medical Management, essentially an MBA for
can sometimes interfere and cause distrust between the 2
physicians, from the University of Southern California
parties. You essentially want to have a compromise be-
in 2006.
tween the 2 sides that both are happy with, and knowledge
From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical
of both positions typically results in a positive outcome for
Center, Los Angeles, CA. each side. In business, one learns that having trust in your
No financial support for this publication. team and those you work with is a sign of strength and
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. dedication to the team and the mission. If your employers
Reprints: David L. Skaggs, MD, MMM, Department of Pediatrics and believe you trust them, they are more likely to trust you.
Neurosurgery, 444 South San Vicente Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA
90048. E-mail: In the book The Best Medicine A Physician’s Guide to
Copyright © 2022 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Effective Leadership by Dr Bruce Gewertz, Surgeon-in-Chief
DOI: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002122 of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and Dave Logan, Senior

J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 42, Number 5 Supplement 1, May/June 2022 | S53

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Stephan and Skaggs J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 42, Number 5 Supplement 1, May/June 2022

Lecturer at University of Southern California Marshall name in the operating room and associate his or her name
School of Business, they tell us, “you don’t have to win every with something that will allow me to remember it. This is a
argument.”2 In fact, one should approach others with the skill that successful business leaders appear to truly excel
idea that “my relationship with you is more important than at. Business people tend to change jobs a lot more than
the issue.” Although easier said than done, this mentality has doctors, and they learn to appreciate who has worked with
personally resolved numerous differences in my career. who, whose kids go to school together, who golfs together,
Many times, in meetings where both sides are dug in on etc. Remembering people’s names absolutely leads to be a
different sides of an issue, I will state this out loud. It is better workplace environment and builds trust. Dale
amazing to watch how often somebody will immediately say Carnegie reminds us, “A person’s name is to that person
how he or she sees your side of the issue and tries to reach the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
common ground. Stating explicitly that your relationship (Personal quote, Dale Carnegie, 2009) People will go out
with someone is more important than the issue is a surefire of their way to help you if you make an effort to know
way for him or her to feel valued and begin the process them and care about them.
toward a solution. We see this in our day-to-day interactions In addition to making social connections, it is ad-
with other medical teams in issues of turf or control. vantageous to feel like you are part of the community of
Business school teaches you to never “lose your your institution. Feelings of pride and allegiance to your
cool.” Anytime you are involved in a conflict, it is gen- institution may sound corny, but these are present in the
erally considered a mark against you—it takes 2 people to highest functioning businesses and teams. Getting in-
be in a fight. If 1 person is misbehaving, and you do not volved with hospital wide committees helps one to learn
interact or lose your cool, others will notice, and respect the local culture, jargon, and important issues. There is
you for it. Preventing or de-escalating conflict is highly only so much time in a day, and hospital committee work
valued in quality organizations. For example, in 1 of our is usually voluntary or underpaid, but if you desire to be
clinics, we had a repeated issue with x-ray technicians an effective leader in your organization, getting involved
being late. This basically halted the entire clinic, with beyond clinical practice is simply a must. Elizabeth War-
multiple physicians, nurses, and patients left waiting. My ren reminds us, “If you don’t have a seat at the table, then
initial urge was to send a strongly worded e-mail to the you’re probably on the menu” (Personal quote, Elizabeth
Chairman of Radiology and the Administrative Director, Warren, 2014). Real joy and meaning can come from
with a CC to the C-Suite. After calming down, I instead giving back to something larger than yourself.
sent a bottle of wine to the radiology administrator,
thanking him for doing such a great job with limited re-
sources. Weeks later, I gently mentioned the troubles of Taking Risks and Learning From Failures
the late technicians, and the administrator responded im- Medical training has taught us to be risk averse, and
mediately, wanting to help us and feeling like he was a failure is not an option. We were never supposed to come
respected member of our team. In contrast, the “angry close to failure in all of our schooling, and the mere
e-mail” approach would have humiliated him in front of thought of it may make us cringe. The stakes of failure are
his superiors and likely created a feeling of wanting to much higher for a surgeon than for the typical business
retaliate, rather than help us. Unfortunately, it takes time endeavor. In Silicon Valley however, “failure is a badge of
for some problems to be solved, but finding the best way honor,” with second time founders having the most suc-
to get the point across is important. cess, having likely failed their first time around.3 Taking
Your goal should always be to make people feel risks and learning from failure for an orthopaedic surgeon
better about themselves whenever you have an interaction. 9 in the business realm is a great idea, but be sure to
Studies have shown that something as simple as a smile prioritize minimizing risk in the aspects of direct patient
will make it more likely that people will enjoy their in- care. Ultimately, it may even be a good idea to work side-
teractions with you, making them feel better about you. by-side with a business person, learning from them and
You want people to feel like you have their back, and the seeing them in action first-hand.
best way to do that is to genuinely have their back. This is As physicians, we fear uncertainty. Yes, we could try
generally earned over many interactions and can quickly something new, join a different kind of practice, get involved
be unearned with 1 bad interaction. This can be done with in a new business or venture, but we fear the possibility of
everyone you come across in the hospital, regardless of losing. Most orthopaedic surgeons do not even enjoy
who it is. If you do not feel you can support someone on gambling—it is just too risky, regardless of the amount being
your team, or someone on another team is bad for the wagered. Las Vegas did not want the American Academy of
institution, objective documentation of problems leading Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting in the days of inex-
to improvement or exit of the employee should be con- pensive hotels and meals because we did not gamble enough!
sidered. To improve patient care or your bottom line, calculated risks
Similarly, it is important to make respectful personal might be necessary. If you think there is a better way to
connections with your coworkers and peers in the work- deliver patient care or customer service, a pilot study with
place. It is unfortunately common to see surgeons forget objective criteria of success is a good way to start. It is hard
the names of scrub techs, nurses, and assistants. It is for people to object to a pilot study. Start small but look for
customary in my everyday practice to learn everyone’s big gains down the line.

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J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 42, Number 5 Supplement 1, May/June 2022 Think and Talk Like You Went to Business School

“Talking the Talk” decide how we should prioritize this relative to these other
Last, and definitely not least, business people are all important issues.”
about being able to “talk the talk.” Not only do you have We have all been in the position where we find it
to know the lingo of your field, you need to be able to almost impossible to understand what someone is talking
communicate to someone who is outside of your area of about when they are using unfamiliar jargon. The best
expertise. It has been shown that most of communication business leaders, as well as the best communicating sur-
is done with body language, second most with tone of geons, avoid using jargon their audience is unfamiliar with.
voice, and third being the actual words that are used.4 For Unfortunately, that does not appear to be true of middle
this reason, in-person communication is more effective level administrators and managers who are often eager to
and less likely to be misinterpreted than a phone call or show off the new words they learned in business school.
video, or worse yet, an e-mail or text. If there is an im- From a positive viewpoint, if we speak the same language of
portant issue, you should invest your time and effort in an a group, we are more readily accepted as part of the group.
in-person meeting if possible. Trying to get on committees in which finances are discussed
How you communicate, including the words that is helpful, or simply reviewing a balance sheet and budget
one uses and the emotion behind it, is vitally important to with the department administrator is an education in busi-
building relationships and trust, getting your message ness vocabulary—but you have to do it on a regular basis to
heard, and determining your reputation in the enterprise. think in terms of your new vocabulary. “Return On In-
For example if you are clearly angry and state, “I am vestment” or “ROI” is one of the most commonly used
upset that….” it is taken very differently than calmly terms, and is used to measure the probability of gaining a
stating in a somewhat detached manner, “my team is return from an investment. It is also a good way of thinking
concerned that…” Anger, rarely, if ever, has a place in and communicating with administration. Instead of asking
business discussions. When someone senses anger in you, for clinical space to “help more kids,” demonstrating that
they cannot help but feel defensive. additional clinical space will produce a positive ROI and is
Here are some other pearls for communication. aligned with mission of helping children, is likely to be more
When someone says, “let’s be thoughtful,” they are really well received. Always look for the “win, win” in which all
telling you, “you were moving way too fast and scaring parties in an agreement should benefit. 50 Business Terms
me” or “I have not heard any good ideas so far.” Sim- All MBA’s Should Know is a useful website to consider
ilarly, when someone responds to you in a meeting with for getting started:
“let’s table that,” “let’s circle back on that,” “let’s touch terms-all-mbas-should-know.
base on that later,” “let’s take that off-line,” or “let’s set
up a group of stakeholders to look at that,” they are telling CONCLUSION
you to drop the subject. One of the most powerful things
In conclusion, I would like to leave you with the
you can do is to have a topic discussed or not discussed. If
quote from Gewertz and Logan, to “view each meeting as
you feel something is important to be discussed, one an opportunity to deepen a relationship.”2 The world is
method of assuring that is having many small discussions
about whom you know and how you treat them. Real
in preparation for the meeting, to make sure everybody is
progress is more often made by teams of people, rather
prepared for the discussion. That way, they do not feel
than individuals. The time you put into relationships will
blindsided by it. If you are being shut down during a
make you far more effective in every aspect of your pro-
meeting and you think the topic is important to discuss,
fessional life, including patient care.
you may say, “I think people want to feel heard on this
issue,” “let’s show respect for dissenting views,” or “I
don’t want to alienate people with diverse opinions.” This REFERENCES
will help in getting your topic onto the table again. 1. Prospective Doctor. How competitive is an orthopaedic surgery residency?
2020. Available at:
As in diplomacy, euphemisms are big in business. is-an-orthopaedic-surgery-residency/. Accessed July 7, 2021.
Even though we all know the bottom line remains the 2. Gewertz BL, Logan D. The Best Medicine: A Physician’s Guide to
bottom line, and “no margin, no mission,” the word Effective Leadership. New York, NY: Springer; 2015.
money is almost never used. Instead consider using such 3. MacBride E Kathryn Shaw: Entrepreneurship requires practice,
words as “resources,” “support,” or “commitment.” practice, practice []. 2014. Available at: https://
Avoid saying, “I’m too busy,” as it makes you sound weak practice-practice-practice. Accessed July 7, 2021.
and unorganized. It sounds much more professional to 4. Mehrabian A. Silent Messages. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing
say, “I don’t have the bandwidth” or “please help me Company; 1971.

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