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Enormous amount of vocabulary should be introduced through conversations.

is not enough
to give them only words so they have a story kind of conversations for all that would picture

1. enormous amount of vocabulary through conversations

2. need of order in the children that's why we give them themed classification
3. stories songs and poems based on real events local culture with new words culture
belonging to the whole world
4. news periods helps the child to build confidence to speak respect the speaker to
think out of the box - they are don't have to model it example of circle time in the
morning letting the children to speak about what they saw and have a group
discussion School events can be discussed like a night stay at school and let the
students to share their own experiences
5. question game conversation for a particular theme- example I like badminton who
likes badminton when will you play badminton where do you live in this what are the
things that you need to play is 1 player in now is a group activity is it a game that we
play indoor or outdoor are there any conditions to play it gives the children a whole
lot of experience and it also helps to write on their own example 2 I like to watch
movies what kind of movies do you like to watch what is the recent movie that you
watch do you watch alone or with a friend where do you go to watch
example jellyfish references have been given to study for the jellyfish ask the
students to make questions about chillafish
what do jellyfish eat?
do jellyfish have eyes
what is it movements called
what is the colour of the jellyfish
how do jellyfish reproduce
are jellyfish harmful to us
where do the jellyfish live
what is the lifespan of jellyfish
do they have bones
how many heart does a jellyfish have
what is the jellyfish made of
how do they even communicate
what is the defence mechanism of jellyfish
is it edible
how many tentacles do a jellyfish have
can they stay still in the water for a minute
what are the body parts of jellyfish
why and how it is transparent

they have questions about because they have knowledge of it when this is
discussed in a group they becomes a go cohesively whole lot of things later it helps
to write stories and essays.

it also helps the students to have self expression.

rich incorrect story should be given to the elementary , children fantasy stories also
can be given to the elementary children
When we ask the children to find their own answers but when the children ask where
to find it

there are several techniques to help the children to find their own answers and what
to find the answer and take the responsibility to share it with the others.

even if you know the answer let the child to find their own answer in use their
enthusiasm I would like to find and do you like to know no can we share and syster

6. Key for writing is to know the sounds to make up the words

example sound games I spy games
stage 1 - aware of the last sound of the words
stage 2 - you aware of the first sound of the word
stage 3 - to identify the first and last sound of the word
stage 4 - listen to all the sound in the word
stage 5 - ask the child to give words to particular sound for example m as in last or
first or anywhere in the word.

sand paper letters - after the child gets familiar with the sounds we can introduce any letter
in random but it is preferred to give a vowel sounds with consonants Like u r t

trace it as if you write the letter at the end say the sound and then introduce a word to the
sound u as in umbrella, plum words to associate with the sounds

sensitizing the fingers - rub two fingers in the palm, route to fingers in a towel, did the two
fingers in a lukewarm water and wipe which is the mandate in countries which are cold.

the sample letters can be given in a 3 period name lesson:

first period - trace it as you write the letter and at the end say the sound.

second period - do you hear r in rabbit? in Run in rat in road inbread crane rock ok rod
and let the children to come up with the words while tracing it.

third period - What is this sound and can you trace it?
we introduce a paper letter in cursive at around Age 3, we introduce it in cursive because it
helps the child to write later

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