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(AC-S13) Week 13 - Task:

Assignment - How much do you
know your roommate?


Jomar Hernandez Quezada Johana ortegal llantoy

Johana: Hi, you're my new roommate, right?

jomar: Hello, yes, my name is jomar, I am doing a student exchange. I'm sorry, but what's your

johana: Oh, sorry, my name is johana. Where are you from?

jomar: I'm from lima

johana: Well, we have different times, I hope you don't feel tired

jomar: Yes, I hope so too, but I adapt quickly

johana: That sounds good, what's your routine?

Jomar: I wake up at 7 in the morning to prepare my breakfast after eating I do my pending

tasks from the university until lunch time, after lunch I rest for an hour and then I get ready to
go to the gym until 4: pm to arrive to my house early and be able to get ready and go to
college and arrive before 6:30 pm and leave at 10: pm that's how it is every day of the week.
And you?

joahna: I wake up at 6 in the morning to go to the gym, at 8 I have breakfast and then I get
ready to do housework. At 10 I start doing homework at the university. On Mondays and
Thursdays I have face-to-face classes from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., as well as on Saturdays, but
their schedule is from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., those days I have lunch earlier. On weekends I
dedicate myself to studying and making models, when I have time I go for a walk. What do you
do in your free time?

jomar: I play sports oh i watch movies

jophana: Well, but tell me how did you decide to study this career?

Jomar: I am very interested in programming and my parents encouraged me to study, and


johana: Me, because my uncles are architects and they already have their construction
company so I decided to study that career.

jomar: How long have you been in college

johana: I'm already a year and a half

jomar: I hope we get along because we will share the same room and good luck with your
start of classes.

joahna: Good luck to you too and I hope we get along, nice to meet you.

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