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Name of Learner:

Grade and Section: Date:

Hello Kids! Welcome to MATHEMATICS - Grade Four Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) on
Numbers and Number Sense
In this Learning Activity Sheet you will be able to enjoy working with numbers specially on
visualizing them. You will encounter a comprehensive series of activities which will help you
learn and understand better the meaning and uses of numbers in our daily life activities. The
activities are specially made easy and interesting just for you. In addition to, you will be able to
enjoy working with numbers specially on identifying its place value and value. By simply looking
at the numbers, you will be able to identify immediately its place value and value. Furthermore,
This learning activity sheet contains series of activities that will help you learn, understand and
value the importance of reading and writing numbers from hundred thousand in words or in
symbols and compare them using relation symbols.
The activities in this LAS were made easy for you to work on your own. It will give you an
opportunity to know more and develop your previous skills. I am sure that you will enjoy as you
go on in this LAS. You can do it with friends, family and of course with your teacher. The more
you engage yourself to the activities, the more you learn. This activity worksheet aimed to make
learning Mathematics an enjoyable experience for you.

For you to achieve the objectives for this week, here are some reminders for you to be
guided in using this Learning Activity Sheet (LAS):

● This LAS is your lesson for Week 1, September 7-11, 2020.

● It contains lessons and tasks/exercises for you to work during the stated schedule of your
Mathematics class.
● In answering the tasks, always remember to FOLLOW the GIVEN DIRECTIONS. Use the
blank provided, the clean back of this LAS or a separate clean sheet of paper in
answering the tasks/exercises.
● Observe honesty and integrity in doing the learning tasks/exercises.
● Use your textbook/Learners’ Material or any other reference books in Mathematics
available at home to fully understand the lesson.
● Once you are done answering all the Activities/Learning Tasks, place the LAS and other
answer sheet that you used inside your portfolio and will be submitted on September 12,
2020 at 9:00-11:00 am in FEBMS Covered Court. DON’T FORGET to write your name in your
LAS and answer sheets.
● If you have questions or encounter any difficulty in answering in this LAS, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher in Math/adviser. You can text or call the number, email or chat
your subject teacher in the contacts your adviser had sent you.

Always bear in mind that you are not alone. Do your best and be a lover of numbers
from now on. You can do it! Never give up. Aim for the best. Learn and at the same time have

Mrs. Sally F. Fulla Facebook/messenger account:

Mrs. Mary Ann C. Dueñas Sally Fulla
Mr. Joey F. Bulatao Mary Ann Dueñas


Name of Learner:

Grade & Section Date:



Visualizing Numbers up to 100 000 with Emphasis on Numbers 10 0001-100 000

Giving the Place Value and Value of s Digit in Numbers up to 100 000

Reading and Writing Numbers, in Symbols and in Words up to Hundred Thousand and
Compare them Using Relation Symbols
Background Information for Learners:

Good day kids! I hope you enjoy learning.

Brief discussion of the lesson, if possible cite examples

Lesson 1: Visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with emphasis on numbers 10 001–100 000.
To help you visualize the number, you can use number discs to show 54 675. Study the chart
Ten Thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
(10 000) (1 000) (100) (10) (1)
10 000 10 000 1
1 000 1 000 100 100 10 10

10 000 10 000 1
1 000 1 000 100 100 10 10

10 000 1
100 100 10 10


Five 10 000s Four 1000s Six 100s Seven 10s Five 1s

50 000 4 000 600 70 5

54 675
How many 10 000s do we have? (5)
Five 10 000s discs equal how many? (50 000)
How many 1 000s do we have? (4)
Four 1000s discs equal how many? (4 000)
How many 100s do we have? (6)
Six 100s discs equal how many? (600)
How many 10s do we have? (7)
Seven 10s discs equal how many? (70)
How many 1s do we have? (5)
Five 1s discs equal how many? (5)
Therefore 54 675 means 5 ten thousands, 4 thousands, 6 hundreds, 7 tens and 5 ones.
To visualize numbers we use flats, longs, units or number discs such as 10 000s, 1000s, 100s, 10s and
Lesson 2: Gives the place value and value of a digit in numbers up to 100 000

Study how 53 248 is written in the value chart below.

Place Hundred Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

Thousands Thousands

Digits 5 3 2 4 8

Value 50 000 3 000 200 40 8

In 53 248,

5 is in ten thousands place and its value is 50 000.

3 is in thousands place and its value is 3 000.

2 is in hundreds place and its value is 200.

4 is in tens place and its value is 40.

8 is in ones place and its value is 8.

Lesson 3: Reads and writes numbers, in symbols and in words, up to hundred thousand and
compares them using relation symbols

Things to know about reading and writing numbers – When you read numbers, use place value,
or the value of a digit based on its position in the number, to read the number from left to write.
When you write numbers, determine the place value of the first digit, and then write the number.

Numbers can be written in 2 ways – SYMBOLS or WORDS.

Symbols use 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or a combination of digits

WORDS uses letters.


Symbol Words

10 568 Ten thousand, five hundred sixty-eight

51 975 Fifty-one thousand, nine hundred seventy-five

36 008 Thirty-six thousand, eight

Learning Competency with code:

⮚ Visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with emphasis on numbers 10 001–100 000.

⮚ Gives the place value and value of a digit in numbers up to 100 000.
⮚ reads and writes numbers, in symbols and in words, up to hundred thousand and compare
them using relation symbols
Learning Task #1

Draw number discs to show and visualize the following numbers. Draw your answer in a
bond paper and attached it to this module or use the space at the back of this page.
a) 50 251
b) 64 235

c) 11 111
d) 23 045

e) 14 467

Learning Task #2

What number is represented by this number discs? Write your answer on the space provided
Ten Thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
(10 000) (1 000) (100) (10) (1)

10 000 10 000 1 000 100 100 10 1

10 000 10 000 1 000 100 100 10 1
10 000 100 10

Learning Task #3

Write the place value and value of the underlined digit in the space provided.

Place Value Value

25 891 Hundreds 800

a. 28 752
b. 56 726
c. 72 861

d. 84 509
e. 96 804
Learning Task #4

Answer what is asked in the following questions. Write your answer on the blank provided.

74, 982

In the number above, which digit has the greatest value? _______________

In the number above, which digit has the least value? _______________

What is the value of the digit in the thousands place of the number above? ________

What is the value of the digit in the ten-thousands place of the number above? ____

Learning Task #5

Complete the table by writing the missing symbols and words in the table.
Symbol Words

Example: Example:

21 028 Twenty-one thousand, twenty-eight

1. Thirty thousand, twenty-one

2. 43 703

3. 50 001

4. Seventy-six thousand, five hundred eighty-three

5. Eighty thousand, eighty-eight

Learning Task #6

A. Match the numbers in symbols with the corresponding numbers in words. Write the letter
of your answer on the space provided.
Column A Column B
_____1.) 87 901 a. eighty-one thousand, three hundred
_____2.) 90 875 b. seventy-five thousand, two
_____3.) 75 002 c. eighty-seven thousand, nine hundred one
_____4.) 81 300 d. sixty-five thousand, two hundred five
_____5.) 65 205 e. ninety thousand, eight hundred seventy-five

B. Compare the following pairs of numbers. Write >, <, or = on the blank.
1. 30 004_____45 784 6. 17 444_____16 444

2. 45 781_____45 671 7. 12 143_____12 134

3. 21 302 ____ 20 302 8. 10 050_____10 050

4. 9 735_____9753 9. 15 065_____15 605

5. 23 006_____23 060 10. 25 275_____25 275


Direction: Complete the sentences based on your lesson learning experience. Write your
reflection in your Mathematics Journal.

I understand that ______________________________________________________________________.

I realize that ___________________________________________________________________________.

References for learners: Learner’s Material 4, pages 2-11;16-18

Prepared by:


Teacher II
Checked by:


School Mathematics Coordinator

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