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Nama : Rise Novia

No.BP: 1810442034


Daily activity during pandemic

Hello, my name is rise novia, just call me iceee. Today I will write down my activities during this study
period of the covid-19 pandemic. Like any other day today, I’m still at home because of the

I have been at home for about a year because the campus was closed due to the pandemic. Even I
myself did not realize that I already got a year at home.

I have become more introverted at home and rarely interact with neighbors because of this
pandemic. Not because I want to avoid people because of this pandemic but because I’m too lazy to
leave the house. I have no friends in my village, and many neighbors don’t even know me.

During the pandemic I spent my free time doing chores, cleaning the house, watching movies and
pranking my two nephews. I am also more punctual to pray five times a day. And I also exercise
more often.

I really like to prank my two nephews when I’m bored. I pranked them by interrupting them while
watching cartoons on their cell phones. I was so ignorant that even my parents reprimanded me
continuously, but I still continued my ignorance. Sometimes they also reply to me with pranks too.

I also often help my nephews with chores and accompany them. Even though my second nephew
was very difficult to advise, I still accompanied him in doing his work. My first niece and I also split
the task of cleaning the house. I spend a lot of my time with my two nephews.

Unforgettable moment

Cooking was my hobby. I got a new thing when cooking. On May 06, I wanted to give a surprise for
my mother. I wanted to make a birthday cake for him.

That morning, I accidentally woke up late. When mom had gone to work, I woke up. I immediately
took a shower and prepared to go to the market. I would buy all the ingredients and equipment to
make cakes. After buying all the ingredients, I had to return home.

When I got home, I went straight to the kitchen. The first thing I had to do was to prepare the
equipment that was used to make the cake, such as the mixer, oven, scales, spatulas and baking pan.
I combined the yolk, the egg white, and sugar to shake until fluffy. Then, enter flour, cocoa powder,
chocolate paste and baking powder. And stir them until they spread out.
After that, I poured it into an oval baking dish and heated the oven to 175 degrees. The time needed
to bake the cake was about 45 minutes. Finally, the cake was cooked. I began to decorate the cake
to make it look attractive.

When my mother came home, I brought a cake and sang a birthday song to her. My mother moved
that surprised me. I hugged my mother and told love to her. It was an unforgettable moment for me,
and I do it every year on my mother's birthday.

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