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Social Innovation Camp – Matriculation Program


Terms of Reference


BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL has committed to give the best to the students and society, while
strengthening its competitive advantage among the other business schools. A successful future business
leader is the one who is not only capable of leading others, but also a person who is able to empathize
and to understand the need of his/her users and/or stakeholders, uncover the unstated needs, and offer
alternative and potential solutions for the users and/or stakeholders. A capability to empathize and to
understand others is an important starting point to develop innovative solutions and to strengthen one’s
leadership role. An invention without human-centered design is useless; and therefore, an innovation
solution should always incorporate user-centeredness in almost every facet of it. To this end, BINUS
BUSINESS SCHOOL continues to nurture students’ empathetic and human-centered innovation
capabilities even since the beginning of their journey with the school.

To ensure that our students are able to not only cognitively embrace the skills related to empathy, it is
always best to ask them to go out and to meet with people in the surrounding societies. This kind of
real-life activities will help our students to understand the complexities and the nuance of the issues
beyond the confined space of classes. This, in fact, is very important for them before they are studying
theoretical and conceptual, as well as case studies, in BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL classes. To do this,
we get help from our NGO and Social Enterprises partners to enrich our students with complex and
wicked problems that they need to identify while at the same time these NGOs and Social Enterprises
also need help in tackling a lot of their problems and they can take advantage from our students’
exercises in this event.

● Introduce appropriate empathy mindset and skills, and a way to uncover unstated needs as a
foundation to develop human-centered, innovative solutions
● Practice the empathy skills in the setting of field and community environment
● Offer initial and potential solutions to partner organizations

To ensure that the goals are achieved, the following assessment rubric may be used for individual or
group work.

Scoring Area Not Satisfactory (1) Satisfactory (2) Outstanding (3)

Empathy Mindset and The group does not show The group shows empathy The group shows excellent
Skills empathy mindset and mindset and skills. For empathy mindset and
skills. For example, the example, the group used skills. For example the
group did not use the empathy map to outline the group used empathy map
empathy map to identify aspects related to the to outline the aspects
the needs of the users needs of the users related to both stated and
unstated (hidden) needs of
the users

Offer Initial and The group does not offer The group does offer initial The group does offer
Potential Solutions initial and potential and potential solutions. excellent initial and
solutions. For example, For example, the group potential solutions. For
the group stop short in offers several potential example, the group offer
presenting the empathy solutions to tackle the spot-on and innovative
without offering alternative issues solutions that are potential
solutions to tackle the to tackle the issues

Social-Business The group does not show The group shows The group shows and offer
Linkages social-business linkages social-business linkages sustainable social-business
and demonstrates how solutions and demonstrates
business can offer solution that the solutions can be
to social problems long lasting and benefit
multiple stakeholders

● Virtual Visit, observation, and interview for data collection
● Workshop and project solutions development
● Output presentation

● BINUS Business School – Master Program
● Teach For Indonesia
● NGO’s

● MM Master Students (Business Management, Creative Marketing, Professional Business
Management), 50 Students.


16 July 2022
Saturday, 16 July 2022
BRIEFING DAY - BBS Social Innovation Camp 2022
Online Via Zoom
Time Activities Location PIC
08.30 – 09.00 Opening Room zoom Via Zoom TFI
09.00 - 09.10 Opening Remarks Ibu Rini (Dean
09.10 – 11.00 Social InnoCamp Presentation & CIDER
Introduction to Challenge
11.00 – 11.30 Technical Briefing BBS Innocamp Campaign

11.30 - Finish Grouping Submission and Closing Campaign, TFI

23 July 2022
Saturday, 23 July 2022
VIRTUAL DISCUSSION - BBS Social Innovation Camp 2022
Online Via Zoom

Time Activities Location PIC Remarks

08.30 – 09.00 Open Room Zoom Via Zoom Main Room

09.00 – 09.10 Opening Staff in charge/

09.10 – 11.30 Empathize with NGO/
TFI, Campaign, NGO’s - Open 3
- One NGO: 3-4
11.30 – 13.00 Break
13.00 - 15.00 Group Activity Via Zoom Breakout Rooms Coach will handle two

15.00 – 15.30 Break

15.30 – 15.45 Zoom Preparation Via Zoom Main Zoom

15.45 – 15.55 Group Presentation Breakout Room NGO 1

15.55 – 16.05 Breakout Room NGO 2

16.05 – 16.15 Breakout Room NGO 3

16.35 – 16.45 Preparation Main Room Campaign, TFI

16.45 - Winner Announcement Ibu Rini

selesai & Closing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Q: “Apa rencana kalian dalam menggunakan donasi Rp 1.500.000? Mohon untuk bisa
dijelaskan secara detail.” Kebetulan, kami sudah tidak ada Challenge yang aktif di aplikasi
Campaign #ForChange, berarti bagaimana ya?
A: Donasi yang didapat nantinya bisa digunakan oleh pihak NGO dalam menjalankan
kegiatan/program lainnya yang sedang dijalankan, khususnya dalam hal promosi &
meningkatkan public awareness dari fokus isu kampanye yang NGO bawa. Jadi, tidak masalah
apabila Challenge di aplikasi sudah tidak aktif.

2. Q: Bagaimana dengan pihak beneficiaries atau penerima manfaat yang harus dihadirkan
saat Virtual Discussion (23 Juli 2022) nanti?
A: Pihak NGO diharapkan bisa menghadirkan penerima manfaat dari NGO terkait. Penerima
manfaat nantinya bisa turut berbagi terkait dampak yang didapatkan/dirasakan sebelum dan
sesudah didampingi oleh pihak NGO. Selain itu, diharapkan beneficiaries yang dihadirkan bukan
anggota komunitas/volunteer dari komunitas melainkan penerima manfaat yang memang
mendapatkan penyaluran bantuan berupa pendampingan maupun donasi dari aktivitas yang
dijalankan NGO. Penerima manfaat nantinya juga bisa sharing terkait hal-hal yang sekiranya
dapat ditingkatkan dari kegiatan NGO.

3. Q: Hal apa saja yang perlu disampaikan/dibagikan oleh komunitas pada saat Virtual
A: Komunitas dapat membagikan informasi terkait profil NGO, program atau aktivitas apa saja
yang tengah dijalankan, dan NGO juga diharapkan mampu menyampaikan bottleneck atau
tantangan yang sekiranya tengah dialami komunitas agar mahasiswa/i BINUS dapat terlibat
dalam memberikan saran solusi kepada pihak komunitas yang mana nantinya akan disampaikan
oleh mahasiswa/i dalam bentuk presentasi.
4. Q: Kita perlu menyediakan video kah saat Virtual Discussion (23 Juli 2022) nanti?
A: Ya, diharapkan pihak NGO dapat menyediakan video yang menampilkan kegiatan NGO /
hal-hal yang menggambarkan isu yang tengah diperjuangkan guna memberikan gambaran visual
kepada mahasiswa/i BINUS sebab tidak dapat langsung melihat ke lapangan (virtual tour). Pihak
NGO juga dapat menyediakan presentation slides guna memudahkan saat sesi pemaparan

5. Q: Pelaksanaan sesi Virtual Discussion BBS Social Innovation Camp 2022 dilakukan dari
jam 08.30 - 16.45 WIB. Kira-kira akan ada berapa banyak NGO yang terlibat di dalam
A: Akan ada sebanyak 3 NGOs yang mengisi kegiatan.

6. Q: Berapa banyak jumlah mahasiswa/i yang akan hadir saat NGO menyampaikan
A: Ketiga komunitas yang hadir nantinya akan masuk ke Breakout Rooms masing-masing yang
telah disediakan. Di masing-masing room, akan ada sebanyak 3 - 4 grup dari mahasiswa/i BINUS
yang hadir (satu breakout room diperkirakan berjumlah 12 - 16 mahasiswa/i).

7. Q: Puncak acaranya itu pada Sabtu, 23 Juli 2022 ya?

A: Benar, Virtual Discussion bersama seluruh mahasiswa/i BINUS dan NGOs lainnya akan
berlangsung pada 23 Juli 2022. Namun, pihak komunitas juga diharapkan dapat tetap hadir saat
Briefing Day (Sabtu, 16 Juli 2022) guna mendapatkan informasi secara lebih detail terkait hal-hal
yang perlu dipersiapkan pada saat Virtual Discussion berlangsung. Pihak NGOs pun nantinya
akan mendapatkan Buddy dari Tim yang akan mendampingi, memberikan
reminder serta menyalurkan informasi penting kepada NGO.

8. Q: Setelah mengisi form, apa tahapan selanjutnya?

A: NGO diharapkan menunggu jawaban kembali dari pihak Profil NGO yang
mendaftar akan di-review terlebih dahulu oleh pihak BINUS. Setelah disepakati, maka dari Tim akan kembali memberikan informasi terkait pihak NGO yang terpilih untuk
berpartisipasi di kegiatan BBS Social Innovation Camp pada Juli 2022 mendatang.

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