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Who is the fictional character that you identify most with and why?

Most people think of themselves as the heroes of their own stories. And it shows from
almost all the answers here.

I think of myself as the villain in someone else’s.

It’s uncomfortable to confess that I identify most with Amy Dunne from the novel gone
girl Psycho bitch. Spoiled brat. Twisted. Toxic.

First, the outward similarities - spoiled little rich girl who’s parents mostly gave her
everything she wanted, sheltered her, who let her live life on easy mode. A writer of sorts.
Snarky. In love with tortured metaphors. Quite a bit of a narcissist - always focused on
how “pretty” she is or how “smart” or “cool”. Still simmering over old resentments from
her childhood.

Sometimes I feel like I’ve built up a cotton-candy shell around myself to be more
acceptable to the world, shiny and pink and synthetic-sweet. Just like Amy carefully
constructing the most likeable persona in her fake diary entries, just like “cool girl” Amy
who wants to dazzle, who wants to be worshiped and adored, who wants to only be
brilliant, beautiful Amazing Amy to the world.

And then, when someone sees through her, when someone lets her down or disappoints
her or God forbid, doesn’t like precious, perfect, artificially-created Amy - explosion.
Crazy spilling out like intestines from a gory wound.

We are different in that I’m nowhere near the perfectionist Amy is, I don’t think I’d have
the discipline to scheme for a year in order to get my husband sentenced for my murder
for cheating on me (I’m very, very grateful for that lack of patience!) But I can understand
that level of obsession. I have been that level of obsessive, that level of twisted, that level
of toxic - without that much damage - at points in my life.

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