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Describe how your local government, your barangay, municipality or city,

conduct/perform environmental monitoring.

Our barangays that were once littered are now being lauded for their groundbreaking zero-waste
models and waste segregation. The LGU, especially our barangay chairman, has made
communities reduce waste in their areas of responsibility as well as promote waste segregation in
their own homes, which created more jobs and improved community safety by combining
effective policy advocacy, powerful grassroots organizing, and meaningful community education
on proper waste disposal. The barangay has implemented waste segregation management
programs in their households, with "Basura workers" inspecting houses to see if their waste or
garbage is properly segregated and stored for pickup by the barangay waste truck. A citation
ticket was given to those households not implementing the program. Monoblock chairs made
from plastic trash and food waste recycled into fertilizer are examples of products made from
segregated waste. Monitoring of recyclables was made by the barangay officials. 

Do you think this is being done properly? Explain why or why not?
Yes, implementation was difficult, but with training and guidance, our barangays collaborated to
establish MRFs and strictly enforce the "no segregation, no collection" policy. They hired waste
collectors to conduct segregated door-to-door collections from each household, and residents
were encouraged to compost their biodegradable waste.

When these strategies were combined, the amount of garbage that ended up in landfills or
dumpsites was significantly reduced. For example, our barangay diverted 80 percent of its solid
waste from landfills in the first year of implementation by composting and recycling, saving
Php15,000 per day in hauling and tipping fees.

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