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Jayleigh Feliciano

New Student Experience

Professor Furrow
23rd June 2022

After completing the College Success Skills Plan of Action and reviewing my results, I have
concluded that my three weaknesses are textbooks, time management and concentration.
I have come up with a plan to focus on these weaknesses and help improve them. To assist with
time-management I have created a study schedule. On this schedule I have noted all my free time
in the week, because I work two part time jobs, I have noticed I need to have a specific time and
days geared solely towards studying and doing homework. I also learned from the study skills
assessment that I am a visual learner.
Having a very strict schedule will also help with my concentration. I have also worked in
specific break times, in doing so it provides my mind with time away in order to allow me to
concentrate better when I go back to working on an assignment. This way I will be less likely to
procrastinate or become distracted by other things. In order to assist with this, I will also remove
any distractions from my study space and have a dedicated area for studying with all the
materials I may need.
After watching the video attached to the learning module about learning how to read a textbook
and then proceeding to taking the College Success Skills Plan of Action, I knew it was a good
plan to implement some of those suggestions into my education plan. For example, focusing on
the information I know I will need. Not only participating in active reading, including
annotating. If I am aware in advance of what I need to know I can read more efficiently.
I will also be taking advantage of the free Valencia resources that may help me implement these
things and improve on my weaknesses. For me the learning centers seem like the best resource
for me to use. During one of my self-scheduled study periods, I can attend a tutoring session on
an area I am aware I am struggling in currently.

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