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Transaction Process


The need for convenience of encoding the data of the employees. Sorting of big data will help
the Human Resource in monitoring performance and productivity of its employees.


The marketing officer will serve as the front desk who will be the one assisting the customers by
answering the inquiries of the customers. This also involves the demonstration of the application
or software and can help the customers to decide if such features are what they need.

Decision Making

After answering all the inquiries and demonstrating the application, the front desk will let the
customer decide if they will avail the software. Trials of can be given to the company to help
them decide.

Contract Signing

To formalize the transaction, a contract will be given to be signed by the customer to ensure a
proof of an agreement in availing the software. This serves as an assurance to both the
management and the customers.


Once the contract is done, the customer will process the payment in availing the software. The
payment methods of the management are PayPal and AMEX (American Express Virtual
Installing of the Software

The customer can start using the application. Both parties are expected to strictly follow the
terms agreed upon and documented in the signed contract.

Flow of Transaction Process

Need Installing of
the Software


Decision Making Contract Signing

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