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Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is ….., I am 33 years old. I am a Vietnamese and an international student.

I moved here 3 months ago. When I was a student in VietnNam, I worked in Caravelle Hotel, a big and famous hotel
in Ho Chi Minh City.
My first job at Caravelle was a house keepingkeeper, I cleaned the room after the customers leave left or checked
I worked very hard and carefullyseriously . After 1 month, my manager transferred me to another job, thast is was a
bellman. I carried luggages to the new customers’s room.
I worked there 3 months during the summer.
Yesterday I seen saw an advertisement for part-time job in your hotel for three months over the summer on the
newspaper. Can I ask something about your job?
- How many days in a week do I must to work?
- What time does my work begin and when does it end?
- Please let me know if there are any conditions.I would be grateful if you could give me some information
about this job. First, could you tell me the working hours, please? Another thing I would like to know is about what
documents and qualifications I need to provide for the job? Last bu not least, I am wondering if I have to work
overtime and how much I could earn for an hour.

I am Llooking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards.Your faithfully,

Nhận xét chung:

- Bài có cốt truyện và diễn đat ý khá rõ ràng.

- Anh Thái cố gắng tập dung viết câu hỏi gián tiếp để phù hợp cho ngữ cảnh trang trọng

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