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other than string what is immutable class

why string is immutable

what is arraykist
real tile example
why we use when to use collections
how linked list work internally in collection
wht is collision
eror is hardware xms xmx
out of memory exception how to fix need to increase size cpu
static and final

what is Final in variable, method and class

what is acess specifier
what is array can we increase the size in array
what is type casting and its types
what is static and non static methods in java
what is static variable what its purpose, why we use static in java
why we use getter and setter methods in java
what is constructor and parameterized constructor
what is oops what are concepts available in oops can you explain all the concepts with real time examples
what are the types of inheritance
why we use super keyword
what is abstraction
why we use interface in java and how to achieve the interface
what is method overloading and method overriding and can you tell me other name of both
what is exception handling
difference between exception and error
what is design pattern
what are the types of exception handling
what are the runtime exception and compile time exception
what is collection and collections
what are the classes available in collection
what are the interfaces available in collection
what is hash set in collection
difference between array and list in collection
difference between hash set and hash map in collection in java
Difference between throw and throws
what is comparable and comparator
How to create custom exception
What is thread and explain its life cycle in thread
what are the two ways to create a thread
what is thread synchronization
what are the inter thread communication
what is dead lock
what is thread join,yield, priority
what is garbage collection in java
explain the collection architecture and explain the classes ans interfaces also in that architecture
explain the hierrarchy of exception handling
what is solid principles and its types
what is concurrent hash map
what is thread group
How hashmap work internally in java
Difference between process and thread
what is multithreading
what is heapmemory and stackmemory
what is string builder and string joiner
what is object and reference
what is wrapper class why we use it
what is acessors and mutators
what is serilization and deserilization
what is thread pool
what is shift and unshift in array and list
what is thread sleep

Programming questions
1.How to print the string with commas
2.How to print the string one by one
3.How to split the string
How to print the character with space
sum of n values
how to remove the white space in that string
how to print the string and number in reverse order
pyramid all models---> Ex : triangle,reverse
prime number
palindrome number
How to sort the element without using sort() function
String reverse
Fibonacci series
swap the number without using third variable
How to check string contains vowels
how to check both arrays are equlas
how to check the second largest element in array
how to prove the strings are immutable

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