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Name: Eunice Ciara E.

Fulgencio BSA 1A

Subject: SSP 112

Tiktok A Valid Source of Historical Data?

What is the purpose of Tiktok? TikTok is a social media platform for short video
creation, sharing, and discovery. Is Tiktok a data collector? Exactly, Tiktok collects
information and other crucial data from its users automatically. The software saves
all of the content that a user creates and uploads.

As a result, it is regarded as a reliable historical data source. Indeed, historical data

might take the form of an image or video, which can serve as evidence to assist us
comprehend the past. Short films published to the Tiktok app are thought to be
timely and relevant.

Historical sources are, at their most basic level, something that tells us about history.
It may be a document, a picture, a sound recording, a book, a cinema film, a
television program or an object. Any sort of artefact from the period in question that
conveys information can qualify as a source.

Discover the tiktok monitoring source on mention with the tiktok source, mention will
provide. A direct preview of the tiktok with the ability to extra information historical

The app is a great way to keep track on current happenings. Keep in mind that future
generations will be able to see current happenings. That is why I believe TikTok is a
reliable historical data source.

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