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SWOT analysis for the innovation and entrepreneurship Space in your


The strengths of my university in innovation and entrepreneurship are:
1. university students have a lot of talent
2.we work a lot on entrepreneurial projects
3. team spirit
4.spirit of creativity
5. we have a constant wi-fi network which makes it easier for us to carry out
our activities.

the weaknesses in my university with regard to entrepreneurship and
innovation are:
1. Lack of support
2. Being very young, the students do not have much maturity
3. The environment in which our university is located does not expose us to
the range of novelties and creativity as in the city

Opportunities :
The opportunities that our university can face are:
1. the wi-fi network is at our disposal within the university which leads to the
discovery of online training in entrepreneurship or leadership, online studies or
entering forums
2. our university is a state institution which generates opportunities such as
scholarship loans, etc.
3. we develop our qualities in management or entrepreneurship via the
materials available at the university

Threatens :
1. our university is located in the interior of the country where it is cold: the
climate is one of our threats when carrying out our entrepreneurial projects
2. it rains a lot inside which causes a bad running of the activities
3.diseases appear a lot within the campus which is really a big threat for us.
4. we are faced with a lack of means to achieve our entrepreneurial objectives
or our projects within the campus

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