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Our beloved Heavenly Father, we joyfully gather together as we get an opportunity to hear from one

of Thy beloved apostles, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. We are so grateful for his life and his example of
always teaching in the Savior’s way. Father we are so grateful for the opportunities that we have to
teach in settings small and large. We’re grateful for the teachers of all ages Father, we pray that we
might always testify of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Of his life and his mission and His infinite atonement
we love Him and are grateful for how that changes our life as we come to know the Savior we are so
grateful for the opportunities to learn more about teaching, about loving, about ministering, and
helping us be learners always striving to come to know the Savior Father, we ask that Thy spirit may
be with us in abundance, that we might have eyes to see, and ears to understand in a way that it
might affect and enlarge our understanding to teach better, to love more deeply, and to help those
we are around our influence to know Jesus Christ better we are so grateful for Thy glorious plan of
happiness, and as we strive to know the Savior and as we strive to love those that we teach, we pray
that we may feel and better understand more about the eternities we say these things humbly, in
the name of Thy Son Jesus Crist, amen.

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