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Glenn N.

Micarandayo Research Method

BSCE 3 Engr. Angelus Vincent Guilalas

Mod 1 Independent Learning (IL) #2

Selecting a Research Topic:

I and my partner Jan Andrew Ensomo have came up with our initial title for research entitled “Impact of Skilled
and Unskilled Workers on Construction Industry in Surigao City”. It came up to our mind about what is really going about
in construction industry and who drives this industry. As Civil Engineering students, we are curious what is really happening
on construction industry in Surigao City. It came up to our mind as we brainstorm who really drives the construction industry
that the labor force is behind all of these. The labor force drives the construction industry and the engineers are the minds
behind all of these.
We think that our initial title has answered in terms of narrowing the scope of our paper. In terms of theoretical
approach, we limit our topic to what is relevant to our course especially how the skilled and unskilled workers brings impact
to the construction industry. We are able to answer the geographical location which is we limit our scope to specific city
which is the city of Surigao.

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