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What is disinformation? Disinformation is false or misleading information, created to influence people.

can take many different forms and existed well before the internet. Every country struggles with the
spread of disinformation online, whether you live in a functioning democracy or under an authoritarian
regime. It often surrounds divisive political subjects, such as migration, vaccination, or policies on
gender, sexuality, race, religion, and more.

As communications moved online, so did disinformation. The advertising business models of large online
platforms, which exploit our personal data in order to profit from it, have contributed to the rapid
spread of disinformation. During the global pandemic, we have witnessed how disinformation, often
manufactured and spread by politicians and other public figures, can incite violence and discrimination
against marginalized groups. Disinformation has been linked to low vaccination rates, the silencing of
marginalized voices, and the undermining of the public’s trust in journalism.

The purpose of this project is to develop, implement and evaluate a peer tutoring program at the middle
SCHOOL level that is appropriate for my school context. In this chapter I will discuss the steps taken to
insure an effective program, and how I will look at the evaluation process to determine the effectiveness
of the program.

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