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EUNOIA June 2022 | Issue #106

Callie Quinn £3
LGBTQ+ advocate, Callie Quinn, talks
pride, how she maintains confidence,
and difficulties she’s had since being
out and proud

Feeling down about a

break-up? We got you!
We give you tips on how to come
back feeling stronger than ever

Our must-haves for pride

parades this pride month

Mental health A - Z guided by ex-

pert psychotherapists to help you
overcome your difficulties
5 Callie Quinn interview about pride, self-confidence and diffi-
culties she’s faced as an openly gay woman
34 Must-have essentials for your next pride parade
72 Best LGBTQ+ books to get you laughing, crying and aching
for more
7 A - Z mental health discussion with our expert psychothera-
pists to give you tips on how to battle difficulties
63 How to keep a grip on panic attacks and maintain calmity
15 Tips on how to get over a break-up and come back feeling
even stronger
92 Why you should be avoiding dating apps and trying these
methods instead
56 Recognising the red flags early and deciding whether it’s
worth it

45 Best skincare routines for your skin type
14 Ethical make-up recommendations and brands
74 Team #glitter or team #noglitter?
77 June’s hottest trends and what should be in your wardrobe
53 Affordable fashion that looks expensive
22 Is faux fashion condoning animal cruelty?


87 Answering your questions and giving you advice
98 Subscribe to Eunoia
101 Farewells and what to expect in the next issue
From the editor...
Our main story in this issue is something that is incredibly important and person-
al to me, so it’s been a pleasure to get to write about it. LGBTQ+ awareness and
simply just pride is something that deeply resonates with me - as somebody who is
proudly part of the community, it’s so refreshing and reassuring to see awareness
spread and be publicised to the norm more and more in this modern day. There are
always going to be groups of people that disagree with the growing publication of
LGBTQ+ in the media, but that makes me more willing to use the large platform Eu-
noia has to spread our message and battle these negative opinions. Meeting Callie
Quinn was amazing, and I’m sure you’ll love the exclusive interview and shoot we
got to conduct with her this issue. It’s fantastic to meet and be able to speak to
such empowered women who inspire others, including myself, and I hope that this
story will especially be able to inspire you too. Also in this issue, we discuss common
body insecurities and bust the myths surrounding them, we’re continuing our A - Z
on mental health and teaming up again with our expert psychotherapists to give you
tips on how to overcome the difficulties, as well as making you feel stronger after a
break-up. There is an incredible amount of content to enjoy this issue, so I won’t
keep you any longer. I truly hope you enjoy the array of content we’ve put together,
and I hope when you put this copy down, you’ll be feeling stronger and love who you
are, even just a bit more.
- Ella x
Illustion Beauty x Eunoia

We’ve teamed up with Illusion Beauty and are collaborating to host a mas-
sive giveaway for a year’s supply of premium skin-care products and ac-
cessories to guarentee your skin will be looking its best for this summer.
This giveaway is only exclusive on our Instagram page, @eunoia_uk, so be
sure to give us a visit for the details, terms and conditions, and all that
complicated stuff.

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