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Teacher Hold Firearm in Classroom

One of the teachers at a very well known school was caught with an illegal firearm that

they kept in their classroom. This teacher is very well known very well expected within their

school and this is something that can be detrimental to the career. The firearm was found in a

desk drawer hidden underneath a stack of folders. Withing the classroom there were no other

weapons that were found. Tehe teacher has been removed from the premises of the building and

cannot return until the situation is resolved and a decision is made about the teachers status

moving forward at the school/ Situation is very relevant because it puts students in harm. This is

something that the teacher knows is wrong in something that they knew the consequences of if

they were caught. The teacher itself is one of the major role players within the situation. aside

from the teacher another set of role players can be the staff of the school. More importantly the

students that into the classroom every day. What happens if there’s an accident one day and the

weapon accidentally fires? Does he put all of the students in danger and possibly severely injured

one of the students. Same as far as the staff goes what if somebody is in the classroom with the

teacher and the fire him accidentally goes off. The reasoning behind why the teacher would have

a fire in the classroom could be to protect ourselves as well as the students that they have in the

classroom in case of any potential dangers of threat they could enter the school building.

However the teacher needs to realize that is a complicated situation to to the fact that you cannot

have firearms in a classroom. Morally the teacher probably thought that having a firearm was

right, but they also knew that it was right on fire on with her classroom with her other peoples

children and where there are other adults they could possibly walk in the classroom.

Ethically this situation is a hard one due to the fact that the teacher may think they were

in the right. If you use utilitarian ethics to solve this situation you would be making a decision
based on what will benefit the majority. The majority in this situation would be the other people

within the school building. If they were to make a decision based on this alone the majority may

find it more beneficial to cut the teacher out of the school completely. Whereas if you use the

deontologist ethics method you are making a decision based on ones duty. It is the teachers duty

to protect their students and their staff members, as well as themselves, and in this case the

teacher was doing what they believed to be the best option for them to protect. Whereas the other

people involved were doing their duty in bringing the information to light. Lastly, if you use the

virtue ethics method you will make a decision in light of favored virtues. Meaning that you put

the favorite things aside and make a decision based purely on right and wrong. All three of these

methods have their benefits and have their declines, however it is important to evaluate the

situation as a whole and move forward with a decision that will best benefit the teacher and the

other people involved.

For this situation I would need to hear the teachers train of thought in order to make a

decision. I would have to understand fully where they were coming from from a moral

standpoint and move forward from there. I would chose the utilitarian method in order to solve

this situation. The reasoning being there are a lot of people who could be in harm if this situation

were to go the wrong way. The majority is what is most important in this situation because

people send their children to school and expect the teachers to have them in the best situation to

be as safe as they possibly can. This situation brings harm to a lot of people and that in itself

needs to be solved.

In conclusion this situation is one that regards a lot of ethical thinking and reasoning. The

teacher may believe themselves to be right and there needs to be an understanding that they are
not in a position to put other people in harms way. It may be a hard conclusion, however it needs

to be resolved for the safety of everyone involved.

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