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Day 10: Charter and Criminal Code

Please watch the attached film, "Twelve Angry Men". It deals with a panel of 12 jurors that
must decide if the evidence provided proves that an 18-year-old boy murdered his father.
Afterwards, please answer the following question for discussion:

"After watching the outcome of the jurors’ actions and decisions, is our jury system flawed?
Should it be changed to another system? Why or Why not?".

Our jury is fine how is but it should make some adjustments. Using the film “Twelve Angry Men” as an
example, at the beginning of the film jury #1 states that there are no specific rules and asks the rest
whether they want to vote on it now or after discussing. Which due to the fact that there are no rules
everyone in the jury is trying to get it done as quick as possible, they vote rashly without even
discussing. Also, the juror’s point of views was based of their beliefs, they didn’t enter the room with a
clear conscious, they weren’t blind to skin colour, ethnicity, race etc. Their decisions were very biased
towards there beliefs not the situation. By implying rules and a time limit will at least make the juror’s
decision be more based on the case not their beliefs and it will allow the jurors to actually discuss then
just simply voting and leaving without discussing.

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