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7/8/22, 4:53 PM [MCQ] - Data warehouse and Data mining - LMT

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[MCQ]-Data warehouse and Data mining

Introduction to Data Warehouse and Dimensional modelling (#1617715335101-71b4ecbf-5a78)

ETL Process and OLAP (#1617715335113-f539e2ff-ccc6)

Introduction to Data Mining, Data Exploration and Preprocessing (#1617876405234-112cc4db-aac0)

 Module 3

1. Data mining refers to ______

a) Special fields for database
b) Knowledge discovery from large database
c) Knowledge base for the database
d) Collections of attributes

Answer: B

2. An attribute is a ____
a) Normalization of Fields
b) Property of the class
c) Characteristics of the object
d) Summarise value

Answer: C

3. Which are not related to Ratio Attributes?

a) Age Group 10-20, 30-50, 35-45 (in Years)
b) Mass 20-30 kg, 10-15 kg
c) Areas 10-50, 50-100 (in Kilometres)
d) Temperature 10°-20°, 30°-50°, 35°-45°

Answer: D

4. The mean is the ________ of a dataset.

a) Average
b) Middle
c) Central
d) Ordered

Answer: A

5. The number that occurs most often within a set of data called as ______
a) Mean
b) Median
c) Mode
d) Range

Answer: C

6. Find the range for given data 40, 30, 43, 48, 26, 50, 55, 40, 34, 42, 47, 50
a) 19
b) 29
c) 35
d) 49

Answer: B

7. Which are not the part of the KDD process from the following
a) Selection 1/4
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b) Pre-processing
c) Reduction
d) Summation

Answer: D

8. _______ is the output of KDD Process.

a) Query
b) Useful Information
c) Information
d) Data

Answer: B

9. Data mining turns a large collection of data into _____

a) Database
b) Knowledge
c) Queries
d) Transactions

Answer: B

10. In KDD Process, where data relevant to the analysis task are retrieved from the database means _____
a) Data Selection
b) Data Collection
c) Data Warehouse
d) Data Mining

Answer: A

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11. In KDD Process, data are transformed and consolidated into appropriate forms for mining by performing summary or
aggregation operations is called as _____
a) Data Selection
b) Data Transformation
c) Data Reduction
d) Data Cleaning

Answer: B

12. What kinds of data can be mined?

a) Database data
b) Data Warehouse data
c) Transactional data
d) All of the above


13. Data selection is _____

a) The actual discovery phase of a knowledge discovery process
b) The stage of selecting the right data for a KDD process
c) A subject-oriented integrated time-variant non-volatile collection of data in support of management
d) Record oriented classes finding

Answer: B

14. To remove noise and inconsistent data ____ is needed.

a) Data Cleaning
b) Data Transformation
c) Data Reduction
d) Data Integration

Answer: A

15. Multiple data sources may be combined is called as _____

a) Data Reduction
b) Data Cleaning
c) Data Integration
d) Data Transformation

Answer: C

16. A _____ is a collection of tables, each of which is assigned a unique name which uses the entity-relationship (ER) data
a) Relational database 2/4
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b) Transactional database
c) Data Warehouse
d) Spatial database

Answer: A

17. Relational data can be accessed by _____ written in a relational query language.
a) Select
b) Queries
c) Operations
d) Like

Answer: B

18. _____ studies the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data.
a) Statistics
b) Visualization
c) Data Mining
d) Clustering

Answer: A

19. ______ investigates how computers can learn (or improve their performance) based on data.
a) Machine Learning
b) Artificial Intelligence
c) Statistics
d) Visualization

Answer: A

20. _____ is the science of searching for documents or information in documents.

a) Data Mining
b) Information Retrieval
c) Text Mining
d) Web Mining

Answer: B

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21. Data often contain _____

a) Target Class
b) Uncertainty
c) Methods
d) Keywords

Answer: B

22. The data mining process should be highly ______

a) On Going
b) Active
c) Interactive
d) Flexible

Answer: C

23. In real world multidimensional view of data mining, The major dimensions are data, knowledge, technologies, and _____
a) Methods
b) Applications
c) Tools
d) Files

Answer: B

24. An _____ is a data field, representing a characteristic or feature of a data object.

a) Method
b) Variable
c) Task
d) Attribute

Answer: D

25. The values of a _____ attribute are symbols or names of things.

a) Ordinal
b) Nominal 3/4
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c) Ratio
d) Interval


26. “Data about data” is referred to as _____

a) Information
b) Database
c) Metadata
d) File

Answer: C

27. ______ partitions the objects into different groups.

a) Mapping
b) Clustering
c) Classification
d) Prediction


28. In _____, the attribute data are scaled so as to fall within a smaller range, such as -1.0 to 1.0, or 0.0 to 1.0.
a) Aggregation
b) Binning
c) Clustering
d) Normalization

29. Normalization by ______ normalizes by moving the decimal point of values of attributes.
a) Z-Score
b) Z-Index
c) Decimal Scaling
d) Min-Max Normalization

Answer: C

30._______ is a top-down splitting technique based on a specified number of bins.

a) Normalization
b) Binning
c) Clustering
d) Classification

Answer: B

Classification, Prediction and Clustering (#1617723650839-b8fb9b7a-dd89)

Mining Frequent Patterns and Association Rules (#1617876182270-7f30a588-2eda)

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