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- What they will need to do to sell more.

Explain that by posting on whatsapp business groups and

facebook business group you is more productive because people enters there to by

- Show the products on WhatsApp, explain that they will receive it via a group with the
respective photo and description.
- Remember if there is not enough description you can add by your own.
- Show the difference between the description
- Give some tips of how to get more details to the title. Show to put their numbers. Show them
the notes to edit their information
- Open facebook and make a post into boladas group. Tell why the boladas group and
marketplace is the fastest way to sell
- Explain for what purpose is a page on facebook saying that you need to grow the page to make
more sales and that differs from Instagram the people are used to open a account on Instagram to
look for the products they want
- Go to Instagram make the post, and explain why it is only a page.

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