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Reading 2:

1. The Memhardt-Plan of Berlin (1648) delineates parts of the

twin cities Berlin and Cölln with accuracy and in detail. Others
are omitted or drawn as a two-dimensional map only. Name
some parts represented in detail and explain what we can read
from those details. What do they tell us about the political
situation of the city?

The map represents some parts in details such as :

a) Colln : (City hall – st peters church – church furst – lust
garten – palace residenz – kuchen garten-unter den linden)
b) Berlin: (st Nicholas church – st mary church- city hall).
We can read from these details that the layout of gardens and
appearance of dikes and canals on the island suggests the work
of Dutch planners and engineers.
This tells us about the political situation that :
1- the fortification of both parts borders reflect constant wars in
the area.
2-the fact that each part has it’s own city hall means that they
were semi independent.
Reading 2:

2. The Aerial View of Berlin, Cölln, Friedrich-Werder and

Neustadt by Johann Bernhard Schultz (1688) shows dramatic
changes in the city topography. Describe the major changes
compared to the Memhard-Plan from 1648?

The new map shows more extensions added to the twin city
and higher building density in addition of new buildings like the
library and theatres, more defined squares and a grid with
straight streets, the city fortifications increased and unter den
linden disappeared within this high density.

“Unter den Linden”, a Linden Alley turns into the capital’s

major road for a future expansion to the west. Describe the
differences of the urban conception of the new city quarters
Dorotheeenstadt and Friedrichstadt. How where these new
quarters planned?

They were connected to the center with bridges. They had

straight streets the main streets had 2 story row houses.
Defined squares and military squares with statues in the
middle. The gates were expanded for custom barriers.

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