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Watch the film “Apocalypto” by Mel Gibson.

Discuss the different kinds of societies in the film,

their interaction with the environment, the organization of their society, the technologies available
to them, and how they differ in terms of their strategies for survival.
From the icy tundra of the arctic to the dry deserts of sub-Saharan Africa, people are able to not only
live but also grow in some of the most hostile and inhospitable places on earth. This demonstrates the
incredible ability for adaptation that our species possesses. Different pressures are placed on human
populations by each ecosystem, and they must adapt to lessen those stresses. To put it another way,
adaption refers to the process through which humans and other animals improve their acclimatization to
their circumstances. These adaptations include not only physical modifications, like the greater lung
volumes seen in high-altitude locals but also behavioral and cultural modifications, such as the use of
traditional Inuit attire, which efficiently traps heat while discouraging the lethal hyperthermia-inducing
perspiration. In fact, it appears that this latter method of adaptation, rather than biological processes, is
frequently considerably more to blame for enabling humans to colonize such a broad range of
ecosystems, covering all seven continents. Of course, not all adaptations are wholly advantageous, and
some can even be harmful, especially when it comes to highly technical physical adaptations and
behavioral changes during times of environmental change. People significantly rely on social learning,
therefore unhealthy habits like overeating and sedentarization—both of which contribute to obesity—are
quickly passed from one person to another and from one culture to another, as seen by the Inuit's adoption
of American cultural traits.
A collection of individuals who share a geographical area, a governmental system, and a set of
prevailing cultural norms are said to be in a society. It is made up of individuals who uphold their own
standards and morals. Sociologist Gerhard Lenski developed his socio-cultural evolution hypothesis to
better comprehend human cultures. This theory describes how technology shapes and ultimately bring
about changes in our society. According to this idea, there are five main sorts of societies: agricultural
societies, industrial societies, postindustrial societies, and horticultural and pastoral communities. The
finest depiction of several of these cultures was in the film Apocalypto. The three different groups of
individuals, who were also the movie characters, served as illustrative examples of their contrasts.
A nice illustration of a hunting and gathering civilization is Jaguar Paw's tribe. Jaguar Paw, his father,
brother, and other tribesmen are first shown at the opening of the film going on an animal hunt using
spear knives and snares, while the women and the elderly are left at home caring for the young ones and
gathering produce. Even though men and women played various roles in the community, they were
treated equally, indicating that there was some sort of equality. Their tribe only had a tiny number of
members, just enough to survive on the resources available on the side of the forest where they lived.
The first Aztecs, who pillaged and abducted the Jaguar Paw tribe, were the greatest examples of an
agrarian culture. Compared to the tribes of Jaguar Paw, they were employing more sophisticated tools and
equipment. In one instance, ladies were shown utilizing machinery rather than their hands to make
garments and linens. For the enormous population, they also created products on a greater scale. Folks
from their tribe had more alternatives for their jobs since there were more resources available. Some of
them worked as gardeners, sewers, or sellers. It was demonstrated that they had a new stance on trade in
one particular scenario when abducted ladies were being sold as slaves. The previous barter system was
no longer in use. If there was equality and fairness in Jaguar Paw's tribe, as there was for the ancient
Aztecs, a severe social disparity was demonstrated. By portraying a large number of slaves at work
building spectacular holy sites like their temple or pyramid, for instance, the video illustrated the ruler's
ultimate authority. They were a very pious people, and their high priest had virtually as much absolute
authority as his king. In the film, the priest was successful in convincing his followers that further
sacrifices were necessary in order to appease their deity. Since he was knowledgeable of the solar eclipse,
it may also be assumed that he was knowledgeable about astronomy.
Another group of folks was depicted in the last scenes of the film. They came into the New World
first among Spaniards. Although their group was less exposed than the other two, we could still argue that
their technology was the most sophisticated. Their employment of boats as a mode of transportation was
proof enough. Additionally, the fact that they were capable to go there suggests that they were skilled in
both sailing and cartography, or the creation of maps.
Other sociologists besides Lenski were also able to utilize their own theories to describe the changes
in our society. Emile Durkheim utilized "society and function" as the two basic concepts, for starters. He
explained how societal developments were influenced by people's social relationships and affiliations. For
instance, in the film, the members of Jaguar Paw's tribe had the same values and tenets, which is why
everyone worked together and contributed to food collection and hunting for the tribe's survival, including
his family. Early Aztecs exhibited the same strong social ties. That tribe's members were compelled to
kidnap and sacrifice humans. They were instructed to view it as a means of honoring their God and
receiving a reward in return. Basically, they believed that murder was moral. The Spaniards had the
fewest social ties, on the other side. They had been traveling and sailing for a considerable amount of
time, which meant that they had also been separated from their family and their nation.

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