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CORRELATION OF FOLIC ACID CONSUMPTION ( i 1D DURING PREGNANCY WITH INSIDENCE OF HIRSCHSPRUNG IN CHILDREN Emiliana Lia, Dikki Drajat K, Rieza Nurdinsyah H Pediatric Surgery Division, Deparment of Surgery, Hasan Sadikin General ef a —_— BACKGROUND METHOD his study is a cross. sectional study of 50 children with i nprung's disease at Hasan Sadikin Hospital in 2019 - 2021 1 10 children without Hirschsprung Wisease. Data were ees through history.taking of folic acid consumption during ae tw DISCUSSION, + Non-genetic factors may influence the enteric neurons system, include dietary nutrients and ‘medicines that may impact ENS structure and function before or after birth. Folate (vitamin £89) is an essential nutrient thatis required for DNAveplication and as a substrate for a range of enzymatic reactions involved in amino acid synthesis and vitamin metabolism. Folate deficiency in pregnancy is associated with abnormalities in the mother and fetus. [J Yes.Reouarty ——_t6(320%) These micronutrients can be obtained from [J Yes. lreguary 114.0%) food. However, during pregnancy, the | 1% 216540) pregnant woman's need for folic acid increases for the growth and development of the fetus. WHO recommends folic acid supplements ata dose of 400 g or 0.4 mg daily Micronutrient deficiency is one of the preventable risk factors for Hirschsprung's disease, especially vitamin A and folic acid. In accordance with the results of this study, itcan be seen that of al research subjects, most of them did not consume folic acid during pregnancy. Hirschsprung mYes, Regularly m Yes, Folic Acid Con Folle Acid Consumption CONCLUSION There is a relationship between folic acid and the incidence of Hirschsprung. Pregnant women who do not take folic acid will be more at, risk of giving birth to children who will suffer from Risers

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