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Menu Pilihan Mabes AD

Menu 3
Rp. 115.000,- Menu 4
Rp. 115.000,-
Soto ayam
Sup bakso tahu sayuran
Nasi Putih
Nasi goreng kampung Nasi Putih
Bihun goreng ayam wortel Nasi goreng oriental
Ikan pesmol Mie goreng
Ayam kremes Ayam kung pao
Urap sayuran Ikan asam manis
Kering tempe kacang Tumis buncis jagung manis
Sambal bawang Tahu krispy garam cabe
Kerupuk Chilli Sauce
Buah potong Pudding
Aneka kue2 Buah potong
Aneka kue2
Lemon grass ice tea
Infused water ice Lemon grass ice tea
Infused water ice

Salmon Mayo with beef roll, mashed Stall
potatoes & Vegetables Salmon Mayo with beef roll, mashed
Rp. 85.000,- potatoes & vegetables
Rp. 85.000,-
Assorted steam Dimsum
Rp. 49.000,- Assorted steam Dimsum
Rp. 49.000,-

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