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Violence among pupils has been a heated problem recently.

People have been wondering if

there is any solution to this problem. In the second-coming paragraph, some ways to deal with
it will be listed.
First and foremost, some strict rules should be taken by the school to prevent the students
from using violence with friends. They should be suspended or disciplined until they realize how
bad their action was. Another solution is that there should be some propagation against
fighting. All teachers and students should be involved in this propagation to make it more
effective, widespread, and serious. Thirdly, schools should sponsor forums that talk about self-
protecting or shouting out for help to bring it home to students about bullying and its
consequences. Last but not least, there should be a support center at school to take urgent
methods to help students who are being bullied. And that can also become a place for children
to open up and share their conundrums with others.
All in all, violence at schools is a serious problem for both students and adults. Everybody
should join hands to help reduce and to make a friendly and healthy school environment

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