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Mariana: Good evening Ana, and isn't it a beautiful evening!

Ana: Yes, it is. It's warm, but not too hot. Not like my city!
Mariana: Oh, where are you from?
Ana: Brasil. Have you been there?
Mariana: Yes, I went last summer, and it was very hot!
Ana: That's right , it can get up to more than 45 degrees! And Where are you from?
Mariana: I'm from canada. Have you been there before ?
Ana: Yes, I have been there a few times. Is this your first visit to Manizales?
Mariana: No, but I haven't been for years and it's so different now.
Ana: Yes, I'm sure it has changed a lot since then. It's my first time here. Today I walked to
the Parque nacional los nevados.
Mariana: What a coincidence, me too! I wanted to go to the torre panorámica de Chipre , but
the tail was so long I decided not to wait.
Ana: ¡Me too! I'm Ana, by the way and you?
Mariana: My name's Mariana. Nice to meet you.
Ana: Nice to meet you, too. Are you travelling alone?
Mariana: No, I'm with a tour group. We have been to six Colombian cities so far.
Ana: Wow! I have never done a tour like that.
Mariana: And what about you? Are you here alone?
Ana: Yes ... my sister came here with me, but she has gone back to Brazil now. If you're free
tomorrow, we could try to visit the Parque nacional los nevados again?
Mariana: Great idea, but let's go early to avoid the tails. See you at breakfast!

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