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Demo Project Details: Global College Management

Using Rest API’s/mS, JPA repositories & MYSQL, below tasks have to be completed. You
have to create, fetch, update & delete the required information.

API’s to be exposed

Get/Create/Update/Delete the College details

Get/Create/Update/Delete the Teacher details.
Get/Create/Update/Delete the Department details.
Get/Create/Update/Delete the Student details.
Add Department to the college.
Fetch all the departments from a selected college.
Add teacher to the college & department.
Add student to the department & college.
Fetch all the teachers from the selected college & college with department combination.
fetch all the students from selected college & college with department combination.
change the student from one department to another department.

MySQL Tables and DB Design:

College -> id, name, code, city, state

Department -> id, name, code
(name & code should be unique)
(Id, college_id, department_id)
Teachers -> id, name, teacher_reg_id, subject, college_dept_mapping_id
(Teacher reg id should be unique)
Student -> id, name, student_reg_id, mobile, email, college_dept_mapping_id
(student_reg_id, email & mobile number should be unique. student_reg_id , email is mandatory
but mobile can be optional)

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