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Dry cough

This is one of the most common health problems.

Most of the time, a dry cough is the result of a virus; however, there are other
possible causes, such as:
asthma; This causes the airways to swell and narrow. It can cause a dry cough
along with symptoms like shortness of breath and wheezing.
Postnasal drip is a symptom of the common cold and seasonal allergies. Mucus
drips down the back of the throat and triggers the cough reflex.
Allergies and airborne irritants can trigger the cough reflex, prolong healing
time, or cause an overproduction of mucus. Common irritants include smoke,
pollen, and pet hair.
Whooping cough is a contagious respiratory infection that causes a
characteristic dry cough with a "screaming" sound when you breathe.
You should also monitor your symptoms while you are at home. You should
seek emergency medical attention if you experience any of the following
difficulty breathing or speaking
heaviness or tightness in the chest
bluish lips
medical treatment
Dry cough can be uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions
available at your local pharmacy. If you want to skip the doctor's office and treat
your dry cough at home, consider the following remedies.
Soup, broth, tea, or another hot beverage!
Warm liquids like soup and tea help add moisture while providing immediate
relief from a sore throat. Warm fluids also help keep you hydrated, which is
essential to the healing process.
It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the
throat. It can also help break down mucus and relieve sore throats. Try adding
honey to a cup of warm tea or warm lemon water.
Gargle with salt water
Salt water soothes inflamed tissue and promotes healing.
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm water and take a sip. Tilt
your head back and GARGAGE gently for 30 seconds, then spit.
Many herbs have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce throat
Herbs can help boost your immune system.
You can add herbs to your diet by brewing them into teas or adding them to
your favorite recipes. You can also look for supplements and extracts at your
local health food store.
Herbs used to treat a dry cough include:
licorice root
marshmallow root
Causes of dry cough

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