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FORMALIST CRITICISM The term has often had a pejorative cast and has

been used by opponents to indicate either aridity or

ideological deviance.
One noted French literary critic, Roland Barthes,
Formalism refers to critical approaches that actually wrote an essay called "The Death of the
analyze, interpret, or evaluate the inherent features Author" in 1967 in which he advocated for a
of a text. These features include not only grammar complete rejection of the author as a way into a
and syntax but also literary devices such as meter text's meaning. He argued that the text must be
and tropes. separated from its author and studied on its own
terms in order to free it from the one interpretation
Formalist criticism is defined as a literary criticism its author might have intended and open it up to the
approach which provides readers with a way to possibility of having multiple interpretations that are
understand and enjoy a work for its own inherent more dependent on the reader than the writer—
value as a piece of literary art. Formalist critics
perhaps even ones that the author never
spend a great deal of time analyzing irony,
paradox, imagery, and metaphor. They are also considered him or herself.
interested in a work’s setting, characters, symbols, In the field of literary criticism, a formalist approach
and point of view. is one that studies a text as a text and nothing
more. For example, a formalist reading of a poem
Formalist literary criticism focuses on the text as would focus on its rhythms, rhymes, cadences, and
the major artifact worthy of study rather than, say, structure. It would not seek to locate the poem in a
the author him or herself, the historical time period
wider political or cultural context except insofar as it
during which the text was written, how the text
responds to gender roles or class concerns during helped to improve the reader's understanding of the
the period, or anything else that exists outside of text itself.
the text's world itself. It is a mode of criticism that Critics of formalism argue that it looks upon the text
came about in response to the more author-
as an isolated artifact to be kept in a glass case
centered focus that dominated the literary world
and treated with hushed, unthinking reverence. The
prior to the twentieth century.
text is a living, breathing thing, critics say, and its
meaning shifts over time. It is unfixed and subject
The formalist approach reduces the importance of a
text’s historical, biographical, and cultural context. to multiple interpretations, none of which can
provide finality. On this account, a text is a process
and not a thing; it is dynamic and not set-in stone.
Formalism rose to prominence in the early 20th
century as a reaction against Romanticist theories Advocates of formalism would counter that cultural,
of literature, which centered on the artist and historical, and political interpretations of texts are all
individual creative genius and instead placed the very well, but once we have stripped away all the
text itself back into the spotlight, to show how the outer layers of textual interpretation, the text in its
text was indebted to forms and other works that original incarnation still remains with all its formal
had preceded it. Two schools of formalist literary elements in place. Any approach that ignores these
criticism developed, Russian formalism and soon elements is likely to miss what is most vital and
after Anglo-American New Criticism. most important about a text. Then, literary criticism
becomes the study of what critics say about a text
Formalism was the dominant mode of academic
rather than the text itself. Different interpretations
literary study in the US at least from the end of the
are perfectly valid—indeed, the whole critical
Second World War through the 1970s, especially
enterprise would be impossible without them—but
as embodied in René Wellek and Austin Warren's
according to formalists, such interpretations exist to
Theory of Literature (1948, 1955, 1962).
clarify and explain what is already there in the text
Beginning in the late 1970s, formalism was instead of replacing it altogether.
substantially displaced by various approaches
Formalist criticism is one way that a reader can
(often with political aims or assumptions) that were
approach his understanding of a text. When a
suspicious of the idea that a literary work could be
reader looks at a poem, play, story or novel from a
separated from its origins or uses.
formalist perspective, he is looking solely at the What isn’t formalist criticism?
work as something to be dissected, so he looks for
▪ It does not treat the text as an
all of the literary techniques and devices that an
expression of social, religious, or
author uses to create the text and its meaning. He
political ideas; neither does it reduce
does NOT look at the author's life, he does NOT the text to being a promotional effort for
consider the text from a historical or psychological some cause or belief.
perspective; he does NOT consider how this text is
▪ Those who practice formalism claim
like other texts -- those are all other modes of
they do not view works through the lens
literary criticism. of feminism, psychology, Marxism, or
Think of "Twinkle Twinkle" as an example. With any other philosophical standpoint.
formalist criticism the reader would notice the ▪ They are also uninterested in the
repetition of the word twinkle and consider work’s effect on the reader.
connotation and denotation of the word. It would
notice the first-person speaker of the poem. He Why do authors use this criticism?
would note the use of simile in the 4th line (like a
diamond in the sky). He would note the refrain of Formalist critics use individual parts of the text, the
the first two lines in lines 5 and 6, and he would characters, the settings, the tone, the point of view,
mark the meter and the rhyme scheme. Once the the diction, and all other elements of the text to give
poem was literarily dissected, then the reader can meaning to the text in a more literal way. A primary
consider how those elements work together to goal for formalist critics is to determine how such
create the meaning of the poem as a whole. elements work together with the text's content to
shape its effects upon readers. formalism allows
Broadly, it is concerned exclusively with the text in the reader to analyze a literary piece with complete
isolation from the world, author, or reader. objectivity.
Specifically, the Russian Formalism focused on
literariness of texts, defamiliarization, material & Strengths of Formalism
device, story & plot, and narrative voice; while the
1. Makes a Science of Literary Criticism.
New Criticism focused on the text as an object that
2. Viable Method enables a Professional
can be analyzed independent of the author, world,
or reader.
3. Develops “Close Reading” skills.
Tenets of Formalist Criticism 4. Basis for other language-centered theories.
5. Great for analyzing poetry.
Formalist thoughts: 6. Well-known approach
The form of a work of literature is inherently apart of 7. Readily applied informally.
its content, and that the attempt to separate the two Weaknesses of Formalism
is fallacious. By focusing on literary form and
excluding superfluous contexts, Formalists believed 1. Seen as incomplete now.
that it would be possible to trace the evolution and Ignores:
development of literary forms, and thus, literature Historical Aspects
itself. Moral Aspects
Production / Reception
Formalism is a philosophical theory of the Psychological Aspects
foundations of mathematics that had a spectacular Gender Aspects
but brief heyday in the 1920s.Foundations: The 2. Not applied easily to long forms
Linguistic Turn (Russian; defamiliarization) The 3. Similarity of Conclusions
Cultural Turn (New Criticism; Human liberalism). 4. Criticism always inferior to the object it
Formalist theory has dominated the American studies
literary scene for most of the twentieth century, and Other names of formalist criticism
it has retained its great influence in many academic
quarters. Its practitioners advocate methodical and 1. Russian Formalism
systematic readings of texts.
2. New Criticism
3. Aesthetic criticism An analysis may follow from questions like, how do
4. Textual criticism various elements work together to shape the effect
on the reader?
5. Ontological criticism
6. Modernism 4. Style and theme influence each other and can't
7. Formalism be separated if meaning is to be retained. It's this
interdependence in form and content that makes a
8. Practical criticism
text "literary." "Extracting" elements in isolation
(theme, character, ploy, setting, etc.) may destroy a
The Relation to Other Theory reader's aesthetic experience of the whole.
Formalism has an impact in the early Structuralism, 5. Formalist critics don't deny the historical, political
especially the Russian Formalists had significant situation of a work, they just believe works of art
influence on structuralism and Marxist criticism. have the power to transcend by being "organic
This approach, which emphasizes literary form and wholes"--akin to a being with a life of its own.
the study of literary devices within the text, shares
some similarities with Anglo-American New 6. Formalist criticism is evaluative in that it
Criticism and French Structuralism. Structuralism is differentiates great works of art from poor works of
an extension to the Formalism, propounded by art. Other kinds of criticism don't necessarily
Russian Critic Roman Jakobson constructing an concern themselves with this distinction.
edifice on the foundations provided by Ferdinand 7. Formalist criticism is decidedly a "scientific"
de Saussure. Combination of Formalism & Science approach to literary analysis, focusing on "facts
erected the statue of Structuralism. It is an attempt amenable to "verification" (evidence in the text).
to analyze a specific filed as a complex system of
interrelated part.
What is the Formalist Perspective?
Literature can be read through a variety of lenses.
The formalist perspective concentrates on the form
Sasabihin sa reporting: of the literature itself. “Formalist criticism regards
Pagtapos ng slide 11. Though formalist critics are literature as a unique form of human knowledge
primarily concerned with looking at the work, that that needs to be examined on its own terms”
doesn’t mean they won’t research or take into (Kennedy 1468).
account things like the author’s life (Biographical Questions that may be answered from a formalist
Criticism) or the psychology of the characters perspective include: What is the structure of the
(Psychological Criticism), but that those things don’t piece? What imagery is used? What symbols help
become the MAIN focus of the analysis. convey a message? What is the theme?

A Formalist View of Literature Discounts or

Formalist Critics Major Beliefs Ignores Certain Aspects of Literature

1. Literature is a form of knowledge with intrinsic The name of the author is not important. The time
elements--style, structure, imagery, tone, genre. in which the author lived is not important. Any
cultural impact on the author’s life is not important.
2. What gives a literary work status as art, or as a The political beliefs of the author are not important.
great work of art, is how all of its elements work The actual reader is not important.
together to create the reader's total experience
(thought, feeling, gut reactions, etc.) Formalists Focus on Specific Aspects

3. The appreciation of literature as an art requires  Formalists pay special attention to “the
close reading--a careful, step-by-step analysis and formal features of the text – the style,
explication of the text (the language of the work). structure, imagery, tone, and genre”
(Kennedy 1468).
Not examined in isolation – “what gives a  Who is narrating or telling what happens in
literary text its special status as art is how the work? How is the narrator, speaker, or
all its elements work together to create the character revealed to readers? How do we
reader’s total experience” (Kennedy 1468). come to know and understand this figure?
 Great literature is “universal.” A universal  Who are the major and minor characters,
message is a message that transcends time what do they represent, and how do they
and culture. relate to one another?
A universal message reveals a great truth  What are the time and place of the work –
about the human condition. its setting? How is the setting related to
 Specific passages in great works of what we know of the characters and their
literature can be closely analyzed to actions? To what extent is the setting
determine its message and the constructs symbolic?
utilized to convey the message.  What kind of language does the author use
 Formalists analyze the tension and to describe, narrate, explain, or otherwise
ambiguity in a piece: create the world of the literary work? More
Tension: “the way elements of a text’s specifically, what images, similes,
language reflect conflict and opposition” metaphors, symbols appear in the work?
(DiYanni 1561). What is their function? What meanings do
Ambiguity: “the ways texts remain open to they convey? (DiYanni 1562). (DiYanni,
more than a single, unified definitive Robert. Literature Approaches to Fiction,
interpretation” (DiYanni 1561). Poetry, and Drama. 2 nd ed. Boston:
McGraw-Hill, 2008).
Formalism Ignores Peripheral Aspects

 Formalists believe that looking at the

psychology and biography of the author
inform the writing process, not the
composition itself (Kennedy 1469).
 Formalism does not evaluate or consider
the religious, moral, or political value of a
 Formalism does not evaluate or consider
symbolism in a piece.
 Formalism strives to force literary or artwork
to stand on its own – people (i.e., author,
reader) are not considered so the piece can
be analyzed as a separate, independent
 Because formalism ignores peripheral
aspects, it is very limiting in its effectiveness
to analyze literature.
A Checklist of Formalist Critical Questions

 How is the work structured or organized?

How does it begin? Where does it go next?
How does it end? What is the work’s plot?
How is its plot related to its structure?
 What is the relationship of each part of the
work to the work as a whole? How are the
parts related to one another?

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