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Andres Guzman

Task 1

My brother. His name is Jorge. He is 13

years old. He lives in usme. He studies
every day from 12:30 PM to 6:30 PM. At
school his favorite class is physical
education because he likes sports. He
likes to play a lot on his cell phone
although his favorite activity is playing
soccer. He usually plays whit his cousins
on weekends.
Task 2

I prefer the D1 because some of their

products are cheaper than Justo y bueno.
In D1 we can find proudcts like rice which
is better. Or some products that are
cheaper than in other stores such as
toilet paper. I also like D1 because is
more attractive and more interesting.
Task 3

Dear Daniel.
I will tell you about my family. We are
many people in my family. All my uncles
work and most of my cousins study. on
especial occasions nearly all my family
gets together although sometimes few
relatives can attend. I have few siblings I
have 1 brother and 1 sister unlike other
families that have many more. My family
always celebrates all the children’s
birthdays because there are a lot of
them. Those are some things about my
family. Thank you
Task 4

I always get up in the morning around 8

o’clock. I usually get ready to go to study.
I every night play in my cell phone or on
my computer and I often go to sleep late.
I like to play soccer. I play soccer three
times a week. On weekends I hardly ever
stay home because I like to go out with
my friends to play soccer And on
Saturday we like to party.
These are some of the activities I do.

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