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Intelligent Robots play a vital role in modern days.

Besides benefits, we must consider

disadvantages when using them. First, look at the most positive points. Thanks to robots
and A.I technology, the number of workforce can be reduced but the production even
increases more, especially in the manufacturing industry. The robots can perform the
tasks faster than the humans and much more consistently and accurately. They can work
at places 24/7 without any salary and food. Additionally, they don’t get bored. In
medicine, they helps doctors to diagnose diseases, do the surgeries, especially tiny
surgeries with highest accuracy. In some hospitals, the robotic pets can help the patients
with depression and they keep them active. On the contrary, robots bring about some
troubles. First and for most, training is needed to operate the system, so we need to pay
for scientists and trainees, maintenance and reparation expenditure, which raise the cost
overall. Another point I’d like to mention is the machine malfunction, which creates lots
of troubles and confusions, and even sometimes lead to unexpected accidents. It’s
reported that a robot in a car manufacturing factory killed a worker. This results in a
worrisome of people using A.I for medical purposes. Furthermore, the robots are not able
to act any different from what they are programmed to do. With the heavy application
of robots, the humans may become overly dependent on the machines, losing their mental
capacities. If the control of robots goes in the wrong hands, the robots may cause the
destruction. In conclusion, I suppose that we need to take advantages of A.I to make our
life better, but remember its dangers and risks to take precaution timely.

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