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### vector (#include<vector>)

- vector<int> v
- vector<int> v(n)
- vector<int> v(n, 0)
- vector<int> v = {10, 20, 30};
- v.push_back()
- v.pop_back()
- v.size()
- v[i] (or)
- v.insert(pos, val) // inserts val at that pos
- v.insert(pos, {1, 2, 3..}) // insert multiple val at that pos
- v.erase()
- v.clear()
- for(auto it = v.begin(); it!=end(); it++) cout << *it;
- for(auto elem : v) cout << elem
- vector<vector<int>> v(n, vector<int> m, 0) // 2d vector
- vector<vector<int>> v(n) // fixed row, variable column size
- v[i][j]
- fill(v.begin(), v.end(), num)
- v2 = v1 (assign v1 to v2)
- vector<int> v2(v1) // another way of copying vector
- reverse(v.begin(), v.end())
- vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 8), vec.end()) // erase by value

### array
- int a[100];
- memset(a, 0, sizeof(a)) // fill all values with 0 or -1 only.
- fill(arr, arr + n, num)

### sort (#include<algorithm>)

- sort(arr, arr + n)
- sort(vector.begin(), vector.end())
- sort(vector.begin(), vector.end(), greater<int>()) // descending
- sort(vector.begin(), vector.end(), compare)
> bool compare(vector<int> a, vector<int> b){
return a < b; // ascending

### string (#include<string>)

- string str
- str.push_back('s')
- str.pop_back()
- str1.insert(index/iterator, string1, string1 index, no of character of string
- str.erase(str.begin() + 0, str.end() - 6) // erase from to
- str.erase(1, 4) // delete 4 characters from index 1
- str1.find(str2) // returns index or npos (end)
- string::npos // end of string - no position, this constant is defined with a
value of -1

### stack (#include<stack>)

- stack<int> s
- s.push()
- s.pop()
- s.size()
- s.empty()
- s.insert(index, string)
### queue (#include<queue>)
- queue<int> q
- q.push()
- q.front() // note front not top
- q.pop()
- q.size()
- q.empty()

### priority queue (#include<queue>)

- priority_queue<int> pq // max-heap
- pq.push()
- pq.pop()
- pq.size()
- pq.empty()
- priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> pq // min-heap

### pairs (#inlcude<utility>)

- pair<int, char> p
- pair p; //default
- pair p(1, 'a'); //initialized, different data type
- pair p(1, 10); //initialized, same data type
- pair p(g3); //copy of g3
- pair <int, int> p = make_pair(1, 10)
- pair <int, int> p = {1, 10} // prefer
- p.first, p.second;
- pair<int, pair<int, char> > p1 = { 3, { 4, 'a' } };

### tuple (#include<tuple>)

- tuple<char, int, float> t;
- t = make_tuple('a', 1, 1.1);
- get<0> t, get<1> t, get<2> t
- auto [a, b, c] = t // structured binding (c++17 !caution)

### set (#inlcude<set>)

- set<int> s
- set<int> s = {1, 2, 3}
- s.insert() // add elem
- set<int> s2(s) // copy set to another set
- s.size()
- s.empty()
- s.clear()
- s.count(val) // returns 0/1 tell if an element exists or not in a set
- s.find(val) // return the pos of the num or s.end() if not exists
- s.lower_bound(val)
- s.upper_bound(val)

### map (#include<map>)

- map <int, int> m
- m[key] = val
- m.insert({1, 4}) // another way of inserting
- m.erase()
- m.clear()
- m.size()
- m.upper_bound(val)
- m.lower_bound(val)
- for(auto it : map) cout << "key" << it.first << "value" << it.second
- m.find(key) // returns iterator of that element or m.end() if not present
- m.empty()

### unordered_map (#include unordered_map)

- same as elements are stored unorderedly

### unordered_set (#include <unordered_set>)

- same as set but stored in randomized way

### multiset (#include <set>)

- same as set but allow multiple elements to be inserted

### unordered_multiset (#include <unordered_multiset>)

- same as set but allow multiple elements stored in randomised way

### useful functions

## accumulate (#inlcude <numeric>)
int sum = 0
accumulate(arr, arr + n, sum) // sum of elements

accumulate(arr, arr + n, sum, myfun) // perform custom operation on adjacent elem

int myfun(int x, int y) return x * y; // sum of product of adjacent elem

## BinarySearch (#inlcude <algorithm>)

binary_search(v.begin(), v.end(), val) // on a sorted datastructure

## lower_bound, upper_bound (#inlcude <algorithm>)

lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end, val);
upper_bound(v.begin(), v.end, val);

## remove (#include <algorithm>)

remove(vec1.begin(), vec1.end(), 20)

## lambda expression
sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](const int& a, const int& b) -> bool
return a > b;

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