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DE UM MUNDO DE PT OS ee 5) = a iy é > | ENFRENTA A ETERNA BATALHA PELA ISOBREVIVENCIAY A PRIMEIRA EXPERIENCIA! — Pag. 1 Fol durante a guer- ra da Coréla... Ackel ee ae Guat Kubert... que a violincia e a sion) fala sobre unse morte coesistem com ldéla que me ocorren o homem desde o seu quando vlajava para a nasclmento! Embora ies) em neyo lle, a eletricidade... carros... ha uns vinte anos! pos em foco a propria existéncla do homem... mem primiti- VOve Cm EU elemento bi- sicol Talvez assim passa. mos compre- ender 0 ho- © calor constante provocou con- densagfio © chuva Ma ric —— DIGITALIZACAO E RESTAURACAG: H@ POINT * EDICAO E CAPA: PAULODOXA dando 1 gem a formas de vida pré-histé- MEUS LIVRINHOS | 302° Quatro livros com pocmas infantis de Stella Leonardos,, cada um, a um tipo de animal. | 3) AVES 4) GATOS. Cr$ 6,00 © vulto cabeludo vol- tase vagarosamente, as narinas dilatadas... Tor est& tensa! A vida ea mone coexistem neste mun do hd um milhgo de anos! Os grandes dinossaures ainda abalam ta. primitiva, i ferenga. entre o homem ¢ a fera somesa a ser pervebida,.. embora nilo ostensivamente! ss. com forga descom Tor parte o crinio da f A PRIMEIRA EXPERIENCIA! — Pag. 5 A aldela teré comida para muitos dias A PRIMEIRA EXPERIENCIA! — Pag. 6 Dois olhos jovens ¢ um © pai de Tor erm o novo mundo estranho ¢ chefe do cla... ¢ 0 belo... fZ| menino o olhava | com amor e respei- cheio de aven- turas © descobertas! E-eu sou ‘Minha cla- )s| Sou Kobar..., ‘Tor! Nio sa-| | va nko del- {5} De repente, © voce ofendea el bin ta. | | xark voce uma vez fos deuses aa va tho longe | | esquecer i isso! estridente... montanhas com seus aa. pés infamest ys ? IK A PRIMEIRA EXPERIENCIA! — Pag. 7 Impiedosamente a pesada clava se abate sobre o mening, Acima, 0s pterodictilos, guinchando ¢ voando de um lado para © outrd mas quenies camadas de ar, 3i0 testemunhas impassiveis daguela demonstragio de crueldade hu- manat A PRIMEIRA EXPERIENCIA! — Pag. 3 Agora vocé apren- deu a nao entrar nas terras do povo ‘da montanha! © tempo passa despercebido numa terra onde 9 tempo ainda nig & medido... ¢ um menino feride ¢ maltra- tado cambaleia de volta a sua casa! Arpoel mals pel- xes para Tor limpar! Onde esté ele? A PRIMEIRA EXPERIENCIA! — Pag. 10 ‘Primeiro, vocé pre- cisa de uma arma! Va ‘até d floresta e pro- [i | cure um galho forte para servir de cabo de machado! Hé muito tempo que seu filha deveria saber se defendert A PRIMEIRA EXPERIFNCIA! — Pag. 13 “© monstro © esti arrasian do para as pro- Enchendo 0: pulmées de ar, Tor mergulhou nas Aguas negras, seguindo 0 rasiro das borbulhas de Usando toda a sua forca, fil Tor consegue soltar os [i mBos de Kobar! Por que. me salvou... arriscando... sua propria — Pag. 15 Jae ne Pe da dgua! A PRIMETRA EXPERIEN Descobri que podemos conquistar inimigo au- Silisndo-o... asim co- mo ferindo-o! E que mes- Mo na crucldade pode haver generosidade! A PRIMEIRA EXPERIENCIA! | Agora, os olhos de Tor reiu- zem.... Ele ergue 0 grande pe- dago de carne nos ombros ii mao pensa no pa: mas no dia de HOJ Este 6 Tor... no Acompanhe-o, en- quanto cle enfrenta es. se mundo nove corajo- samente... tentando mundo de um mllhiio . ranspor o abismo en- made, explora transpor UM HOMEM! Enfren- tren selvagerin © 9 cli Hhaniie'de unt meade forma que més 0 tente- acetal ree \_ mos... ainda HOJE! Tullurss sindourast Dinosaurs have been the subjects for many in- teresting motion-pictures. Warner Bros. 1925 | classic THE LOST WORLD (top, left) started it all. Small models were built, and moved a fraction of | an inch at a time. A special camera photographed a single frame of film for each movement. The process is called “Stop motion.” and was quickly perfected by its \creator, Willis O'Brien. THE RR § ANIMAL WORLD (Warner Bros.; 1956) featured HW more camera miracles, this time ‘by Ray Harryhausen. The giant sea-turtle menaced some beautiful cave-people in Fox's 1966 ONE-# MILLION YEARS B.C.. again with Harryhausen fj special-effects. The giant lizard thundered across the screen in Warner Bros.” 1970 epic WHEN DINOSAURS RULED .THE EARTH (Jim Dan- 4 forth handled the stop-motion, in this one). More about dinosaurs and lost worlds on film in. KORAK #57. on sale now! THE ETERNAL HERO | By Allan Asherman In 1952, World War Two had been over {or only seven Marry Truman was still Presi t af the United States. alttiough later in the year Dwight Eisenhower would: be: elected womising to “bring our boys hame" from the ‘orean conflict Among the great movies making the rounds of theatres were THE THING ond THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, topped off with waokly chapters from the BLACKHAWK. serial, Subway. fares were stil five cents trolley cars were still cunning in major cities the Brooklyn Dodgers were still in Brooklyn. Like today, there ware crises then, the Korean conflict, the Cold War. atom-bomb scares. and the brewing malignancy of Senator McCarthy. There ware siso people seeking 4s ‘cape {rom these circumstances, ond $0 the entertainment industries and moss media were doing very well. Television was growing quickly, and the super-nara was especially Prosperous. a new teleseries called THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN was mak ‘og ite significant mark on the ratings. Comics wore coming out by the droves, most of them feszuring criminals and colorful costumed shéracters. And, et a publishing company. a young comic-book trend maker was hard at work Creating a new and different super-hora Joe Kubert had come up with a great new: concept: 8 hero who didn't need a colorful Costume. A hero with no mad scientists to fight, no sleek car to ride around in, and no Super-duper rocket belt to make him fly. He was @ man nemed TOR. and he came fully equipped with shaggy fur trunks, ciub and sense of excitement thet immediately cap tured the imaginations of kids around the world He lived in @ cave in the world of ane mittion years ago, and protected himealt and tis fronds from the perils of his day: dinosau volcanoes, starvation and loneliness. The problems of a million yeirs ago are si hare. in different forms. making TOR 8s rele ft today as he was back in the world of 9 million years ago. TOR was the product of many inspuations trom Jow Kubert's early life. First came an in. jense interest in dinosaurs. largely brought 6 lke AK.O's 1933 aes of Warner Brothers’ 1825 THE LOST WORLD. The beasts of the Burroughs novels helped form the dream. as did the incredible beasts fought by FLASH GORDON in Alex Raymond's classic newspaper. strip In 1940, Hal Roach produced tha'film ONE MILLION B. C., which starrad Victor Mature and Carole Landis as twa Cro-Magnan sweethearts struggling to stay alive In thé film, they suevived the first volcanic uphaavals that eventually eliminated the dinosputs Despite the fect the dinosaurs were represented by igards magnified via trick photography. the film wos extremely enter taining and suecessful. 11 was also a. major Springboard fram which the idéo of TOR bagan to take shape. (This fitm was theatrically remade in 1960, a» ONE MILLION YEARS B.G., with Raquel Weich and the animation. wneatdry of Ray Harryhausen's dinosaurs) In 1953, TOR became one of the first com: ics to be printed in the revolutionary 3-D technique, the artwork was photographed and printed in red and green. Special glasses com- pleted the illusion, The 3-D craze was in credibly strong for a time, with motion- pictures fincluding HOUSE OF WAX and CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON) being filmed in the two-image technique When Joe Kubert came to D.C. there wore other projects to be considered. His wark on HAWKMAN, SGT. ROCK and his ability to draw virtually ANY character in the OC. line- up. made the continuation of TOR. an im possibility. But though the book wos ne longer being published. it was by no means forgotte Qver the years, many of the letters Joe ha received have concerned the possible révi of TOR. At any comic-book convention TOR inevitably comes up in conversation, and TOR's original issues ore now sought-after collector's items. "The growth of the comic-book matket” 2nd the eversincreasing demand for characters. of pure adventure. make the time right for the fetumn of TOR. An original Kubert creation, his adventures will hopofully match those of such slebratedt personages as TARZAN of the Apes, KORAK, Son of TARZAN, RIMA the Sungle-Girl sad D.C's forthcoming epic trea ment of BEOWULF. Follow every issue of TOR. « ‘One: Million Yea Land of

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