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REVIEWS / Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner 2013 5;1:51-56 51

Delgado-Calle J, Riancho JA
Departamento de Medicina Interna - Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla-IFIMAV-Universidad de Cantabria - Santander

Cellular and molecular mechanobiology

of bone tissue
Correspondence: José A. Riancho - Departamento de Medicina Interna - Hospital Universitario Marqués de
Valdecilla-IFIMAV-Universidad de Cantabria - Av. Marqués de Valdecilla, s/n - Santander 39008 (Spain)

Date of receipt: 12/02/2013

Date of acceptance: 01/03/2013

Working FEIOMM scholarship to attend the 34rd Congress of the ASBMR (Minneapolis 2012).

Several data support the concept that skeletal homeostasis, repair and adaptation to daily life depend on
mechanically-induced signals that promote appropriate responses of bone cells. This review considers the
cells that are responsive to mechanical signals within the bone environment, and the molecular mecha-
nisms involved in mechanotransduction, the process by which cells convert mechanical stimuli in bioche-
mical signals and subsequently modify biological activity. Understanding the cellular and molecular
mechanisms underlying bone responses to mechanical loads will positively impact current knowledge on
basic bone biology and pathophysiology and will likely contribute to the development of new interven-
tions to improve bone strength.

Key words: osteocytes, mechanical adaptation, mechanotransduction, mechanosensors.

REVIEWS / Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner 2013 5;1:51-56

Introduction bed, space voyages or situations of paralysis or

The skeleton is a strong, hard and tough organ relative immobility provoke losses in the quantity
which is formed by specialised connective tissue and quality of bone, and as a consequence, an
which is characterised by having an extracellular increase in the risk of fracture11. The main objecti-
calcified bone matrix in which are embedded dif- ve of this work is to offer a general vision of the
ferent types of cells which give functionality to the types of cells and the molecular mechanisms res-
tissue. In general, it is possible to attribute four ponsible for regulating the adaptive response of
basic functions to bones. On the one hand they bone to its physical environment.
have a structural function, providing internal sup-
port to the body and protecting vital organs. They Bone cells sensitive to mechanical stimulus
also have a role in locomotive function as a result The process of mechanical adaptation requires
of the interaction between the bones, the muscles that the cells are capable of detecting the mecha-
and the joints. On the other hand, they are res- nical signals and transforming them into biological
ponsible for the production of certain essential signals, a phenomenon known as mechanotrans-
components for the differentiation and survival of duction. Ultimately it will be these signals which
the haematopoietic mother cells. Finally, bones will direct the necessary changes in the bone
are an important store of calcium and phosphates, architecture. The mechanisms responsible for the
both their deposit and their mobilisation contribu- response to the physical stimuli in bone are still
ting to the maintenance of mineral homeostasis. little understood, but everything points to the fact
For some time now, advances in the understan- that there are various types of bone cells involved.
ding of bone biology have suggested that bone It is possible that both the osteoclasts, and the
may also be considered as a key endocrine organ, mesenchymal progenitors, osteoblasts and oste-
capable of participating in the regulation of diffe- ocytes are capable of perceiving or being affected
rent physiological processes such as energy meta- by mechanical stimuli coming from the environ-
bolism or reproduction1. ment. To what extent the responses which occur
Taking into account the important role which in each of these types of cells is the result of direct
this tissue plays in the physiology of the organism, or indirect mechanisms is something which is not
it is of vital importance that both its composition totally clear at present. But in any case, it seems
and its mechanical resistance are maintained evident that the interactions between all these
throughout life. Hence, bone is constantly rene- cells are key to the regulation of the recruitment,
wed by a process known as bone remodelling2, proliferation and differentiation of the osteoblasts
which replaces old bone with new. This renova- and osteoclasts, events which will ultimately deter-
tion takes place through the balanced action, mine the changes in the bone tissue.
coordinated in time and space, of the osteoblasts Due both to their disposition and abundance in
and the osteoclasts3,4. It is possible that part of this bone (90% of all osteoblast cells), as well as the
process occurs at the specific points of the bone network of canaliculi which connect them them-
which require renovation5,6, although it is thought selves and with other bone cells, the osteocytes
that most of it happens randomly, resulting in a are considered to be the main cells charged with
complete renovation of the skeleton approxima- mechanotransduction12. Hence, Tatsumi et al.
tely every 10 years. observed that the specific elimination of the oste-
Bone is a tremendously dynamic tissue, its ocytes and their dendritic processes in rats bloc-
structure and size changing from birth until conso- ked bone loss induced by the absence of mecha-
lidation in adulthood. Furthermore, bone has the nical stimulation, supporting the essential role of
capacity to change to adapt to new functional these cells in mechanotransduction13.
demands which may arise in an individual on a It is worth mentioning that osteocytes are
day to day basis. Hence, besides remodelling, found deeply embedded within the bone matrix.
there is another process, called bone modelling, This suggests that these cells may be exposed to a
which allows bones to acquire their normal shape wide range of stimuli which may include tension,
and structure, and which modify them at certain shearing, changes in pressure or flow of fluids14.
points through the action, independent and not Furthermore, certain characteristics of these stimu-
linked, of the osteoblasts and osteoclasts7. Bone li, such as their magnitude or frequency, may also
modelling can take place during the growth fundamentally influence the cell response. Given
phase, or even in adulthood, to change the shape the intrinsic characteristics of bone tissue, high
of bone in response to mechanical load, a process magnitude mechanical stimuli deriving from daily
known as mechanical adaptation8. It is known that activity generate relatively small deformations
daily physical stimulus of the skeleton induces an (0.1% deformation from the original state). On the
anabolic effect in bone tissue, facilitating the other hand, the skeleton is continuously subject to
maintenance bone mass and reinforcing resistance stimuli of very low magnitude (deformations
in those areas which receive a greater mechanical <0.0005% from the baseline position) and high fre-
load9. A clear example of this effect is seen in the quency (10-50Hz), a product of the constant mus-
forearm of tennis players, which show an increa- cular contractions required to maintain posture15.
se in bone mass up to 10% in the arm which In most of these cases, the stimuli are incapable of
wields the racquet10. And contrarily, a reduction in acting directly on the cells embedded in the
physical demands, such as prolonged periods in matrix. It is thought rather that these stimuli indu-
REVIEWS / Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner 2013 5;1:51-56 53

ce changes in the interstitial fluid Figure 1. Transduction of the mechanical signal in bone tissue.
which flows in the extensive network The process of mechanotransduction converts the mechanical sti-
of canaliculi which connect the oste- muli into a sequence of cellular events which are finally transla-
ocytes. The movement of fluid within ted into a biological effect (e.g. an increase in cell proliferation,
this system may be influenced by initiation of programmes of cell differentiation...). The transduc-
tion of the signal starts in the membrane, by means of different
mechanical stimuli in the environ- structures sensitive to changes in the mechanical characteristics
ment and generate shearing forces, which surround the bone cells (1). These receptors activate
changes in the velocity or pressure various intracellular pathways (e.g. ERK, ion flow, G proteins...)
exerted on the bone cells, which which ultimately provoke changes in the expression in certain key
would be capable of activating a genes in the cell biology of bone (2). Variations in the levels of
whole battery of membrane receptors these genes ultimately modify the proliferation, differentiation and
which will be those responsible for recruitment of bone precursors (3).
initiating the cascade of intracellular
signalling which direct the biological
responses need to respond to a cer-

tain mechanical stimulus. In addition MECHANICAL STIMULATION tension

to being the receptive medium, this velocity,
system of canaliculi contributes to the
amplification and distribution of the

signal to adjacent cells. There is a MECHANO-RECEPTOR Integrins,

range of experimental evidence (1) focal adhesions

which supports this idea. On the one ion channels,
membrane receptor
hand, a flow of fluid has been obser-
ved around the osteocytes in the
tibias of rats which have been mecha-
Cytoplasm and nucleus


nically stimulated16. Similarly, Price et INTRACELLULAR SIGNALLING PGE2, Ca, SOST...
al. have shown how there is a move- (2)
ment of fluid in the canaliculi in res-
ponse to certain mechanical stimuli17. proliferation, and
That said, it is important to mention BIOLOGICAL EFFECT differentiation
that the possibility cannot be comple- (3) cellular
tely excluded that the osteocytes are
responding directly to the pressure
coming from the mineralised matrix
after the physical stimulus18,19. It is
even possible that the same stimulus
may provoke the simultaneous appearance of a capable of anchoring the cells in the extracellular
number of these forces. Although the composition space which surrounds them, such as the afore-
of the mineralised matrix and the functional inter- mentioned integrins or focal adhesions, are neces-
actions between the cells which are embedded in sary for the perception of mechanical stimuli20,21.
them are becoming better understood, the mecha- Similarly, the canals sensitive to physical stimuli,
nisms which underlie the perception and the sub- such as the calcium canals or the connexins, also
sequent transduction of these physical signals are play an important role in the reception and subse-
for the moment the object of intense scientific quent transduction of the signal, generally allo-
debate. wing the entry or exit of different factors charged
with mediating the cellular response to physical
Transduction of the mechanical signal stress22. Finally, the mechanosensory organs, such
The ability of the bone cells to perceive mechani- as cilia are increasingly being seen to be important
cal signals in their mineralised environment requi- in this area. So much so that it has been sugges-
res the presence of mechanoreceptors, in other ted that the release of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
words, molecules, protein complexes or biological after the perception of the mechanical signals may
structures capable of detecting changes in the dif- be, at least in part, regulated by these types of
ferent forces associated with mechanical load (e.g. structures23,24. It has also recently been suggested
pressure, fluid flow...). In theory, these structures that the cytoskeleton, which connects the cell inte-
should 1) connect the cells with the extracellular rior with the extracellular surroundings may be a
space, allowing it to “sense” the pressure provo- critical element in determining how the osteocytes
ked in the extracellular mineralised matrix, or 2) “sense” these forces25.
be situated in the plasmatic membrane to detect Once the stimuli have been perceived, they
changes in the pressure or flow of fluid which should be transformed into biological signals
surrounds these cells. Among the elements which which promote changes in cell activity, such as
have been postulated as being responsible are dif- phosphorylation, translocation of transcription fac-
ferent integrins, focal adhesions, ciliary structures tors or changes in gene expression. Among the
and different membrane proteins. In fact it has mediators which join the perception of the signals
been shown experimentally how the structures through the aforementioned structures and these
REVIEWS / Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner 2013 5;1:51-56

Figure 2. Production of nitric oxide in response to mechanical sti- nitric oxide33 (Figure 2). It has
mulus. The application of a pulsing flow directly on the cell mem- recently been suggested that the
brane of osteoblast cells (HOS-TE85) induces a marked secretion estrogens may also be involved in the
of nitric oxide into the medium (black bands), these increasing modulation of the transcriptional
with the duration of the stimulus. On the other hand nitric oxide levels of this gene in response to
was not detected in those cells which were not mechanically sti-
mulated (white bands). mechanical stimuli34. Although, as has
nmol=nanomoles already been mentioned, the respon-
se is mainly led by the levels of scle-
rostin, it seems that it is not possible
to discount the idea that there are
Static Mechanical stimulus various molecules and signalling
pathways involved in mechanical
12 adaptation. In fact, the production
and subsequent signalling mediated
by PGE2, as well as the role of nitric
Nitric oxide (nmol)

9 oxide and the synthesis of Wnt

ligands, also appear to play a signifi-
cant role in the formation of bone
6 promoted by mechanical forces27,28,35.

3 Conclusion
The combination of mechanisms
which underlie mechanical adaptation
0 are even today little understood. The
wide range of physical stimuli to
0 5 10 15 30 60
which cells may be subjected, as well
Time (minutes) as the diversity of biological responses
and the possible interactions between
the different types of cells involved in
the process increase exponentially the
complexity of studying the mecha-
nisms involved. The use of animal
effectors are found different kinases, receptors models has helped advance understanding of the
associated with the G protein and second messen- mechanobiology, although on occasion the results
gers such as calcium or cyclical AMP8,14 (Figure 1). are difficult to interpret, mainly due to the impos-
In spite of the fact that not all the molecular sibility of isolating other biophysical components
mechanisms which mediate the transduction of of the load applied, or because of the difficulty in
the signal are completely understood, we now the choice of an appropriate mechanical stimulus.
have a better idea of which factors are ultimately There have been various advances in this field
in charge of modulating the activity of the diffe- achieved through the use of in vitro techniques,
rent types of cells. Thus it is known that mechani- since these provide greater control of the different
cal stimuli provoke changes in the expression of factors which may have an influence on the res-
certain target genes such as sclerostin, Wnt ponse. However, these experiments eliminate the
ligands, nitric oxide synthases or prostaglandins, natural environment of the bone in which the
among others26-29. Although there may be various mechanosensory cells are found. It seems, therefo-
molecules involved, the effect of the mechanical re, that it will be necessary to approach its study
load on the bone is characterised principally by a from various experimental angles, combining the
reduction in the expression of sclerostin on the investigation of individual molecules in certain
part of the osteocytes26,30,31. Sclerostin is a powerful types of cells, with functional studies in animals.
inhibitor of bone formation, which inhibits the sig- Although not mentioned earlier, since it was not
nalling of the Wnt ligands by bonding with LRP- the objective of this review, it is nevertheless
type co-receptors32. In support of the significant important to take into account role that muscle,
role being given to sclerostin in this process, it has and in particular the factors produced by this tis-
been observed that rats deficient in this gene are sue, may have in mechanical adaptation36.
resistant to loss of bone mass in the hind limbs There is no doubt that the study and unders-
induced by the absence of mechanical stimula- tanding of the molecular mechanisms which regu-
tion31. However, in spite of the important role of late the capacity of bone to respond to functional
this molecule in the adaptation of bone, hardly demand may lead to the development of new and
anything is known about what are the mecha- more effective therapeutic strategies for musculo-
nisms which provoke the reduction in its expres- skeletal disorders , covering a wide range from the
sion in response to mechanical stimulus. Hence, establishment of optimum physical exercise regi-
our group has shown in in vitro experiments that mes to medicines which take advantage of the
the lowering of transcriptional levels of SOST may main signalling pathways involved in mechanical
be, at least partly, mediated by the production of adaptation.
REVIEWS / Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner 2013 5;1:51-56 55

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